what is the difference between ph4 and php5
Interview .com Answer
The main difference is PHP5 has much more focus on Object
Oriented Programming. In PHP5 you can pass functions by
reference, you can have abstract classes, interfaces etc.
What is the difference between PHP,ASP and JSP?
Interview .com Answer
All 3 are Server Side scripting language of which
ASP is developed by microsoft, runs on IIS
JSP developer by Sun, runs on Apache Tomcat
PHP is open source, runs on Apache
All 3 are Server Side scripting language of which
ASP is developed by microsoft, runs on IIS. But its Slower than PHP
JSP developer by Sun, runs on Apache Tomcat, Slower than PHP but good for big level of projects
PHP is open source, runs on Apache, Faster than all and best for small and middle level of projects
Hi all, i just found one useful information about recent
questions on php,mysql,js and css.
How to find second highest salary
© ALL Interview .com Answer
SELECT sallary FROM employee ORDER BY sallary ASC limit 1,2
SELECT salary FROM Employee_table ORDER BY salary DESC LIMIT 1,1
For Second Highest Salary:
select salary from tbl_name order by salary desc limit 1,1
For Third Highest Salary:
select salary from tbl_name order by salary desc limit 2,1
For Fourth Highest Salary:
select salary from tbl_name order by salary desc limit 3,1
select max(salary) from tbl_name where salary !=(select
max(salary) from tbl_name);
Select MAX(Salary) from tbl
order by salary DESC limit 1,1
if we want to make use of nested query instead of the above,
try the following
select max(column_name) from table_name where column_name =
max(column_name)-(highest_salary_number_for_calculation -1)
from blocks where bid);
Example :
For second highest salary:
select max(bid) from blocks where bid = (select max(bid)-1
from blocks);
For third highest salary:
select max(bid) from blocks where bid = (select max(bid)-2
from blocks);
select salary from employee where max(salary)<(select salary from employee)
how set session expire time in php?
ALL Interview .com Answer
go to php.ini , set the time limit for the session
unset("username" "timeout",60)
Question is not for ini file and not for unsetting, it is
for changing the session life time from php file.
ini_set("session.gc_maxlifetime", number_of_seconds);
We can override the php.ini settings (if we don't have
access) from php file using ini_set()
u feel u dont have access php.ini , then go with .http ,
make changes
Want to know the 10th max salary in salary table
ALL Interview .com Answer
SELECT sal FROM salary SORT BY sal desc limit 9,1
SELECT sal FROM salary ORDER BY sal DESC 9,1
what is the default session expire time in php?
what is default file attachment size in mail in php?
© ALL Interview .com Answer
Default Session expire time is 24mins
Default attachement size is 2mb
both can be changed in php.ini file.
40 minutes,5mb
[Upcilon] Question
how much a fresher php programmer can earn in india
Interview .com Answer
i think not more than seven-ten thousand.
not more than 3.500 to 4000
How to convert any type of video formate in flv formate in php can any buddy give me coding.
estion Submitted By :: om Answer
check ffmpeg functions
What is the method used to upload a file in html
Hi All,
Recently i have attended interviews for several companies.its been very difficult to clear an interview for experienced [5+] persons.So i decided to prepare the list of questions[ im sorry i didnt come up with answers as of now] which is asked in my recent interviews.Im very new to blogging once i found the free time i will definitely add answers for these questions.I think this is very very useful information for web developers whoever preparing for the interviews.
And these are the most recent and important questions perticulary interview panel expecting the answers from the candidate.So prepare well and all the very best.!!
1)What is the diff between php4 and php5 ?
2)How to edit php ini settings without manual access ?
3)Diff between Abstract and Interface ?
4)How to access class function without instance ?
5)Is multiple inheritance supports in PHP ?
6)Diff between explode and split ?
7)Tell some CURL options ?
8)Diff between SOAP and REST ?
9)In Abstract class is it possible to give all methods as abstract methods?
10)Advantages of OOPS ?
11)Diff between explode and implode ?
12)What is include_once and require_once ?
13)How to add content at the end of the file using file functions ?
14)How to read cookie expiry time in php ?
15)What is HTTP ?
16)Diff between GET and POST, Where we can see the submited data in POST method ?
17)Tell me about Session
18)What is the default uploaded file size ?
19)How to parse XML ?
20)What is simpleXml ?
21)How to restrict the class to inherit from another class ?
22)What are the security issues in PHP ?
23)What is JSON ?
24)What is Cross site scripting ?
25)Syntax for preg_match ?
26)What is array_combine ? will it support in php4 ?
27)Overloading and overriding in php5 ?
28)Explain about magic methods in php5
29)What is autoload ?
30)If browser disables the cookie how to maintain session using php ?
31)What is call method ?
32)Optimisation in PHP
33)What is mod_rewrite ?
34)What is .htaccess and what is the use of this file ?
35)Caching in php
36)What is register_globals ?
37)What is polymorphism
38)What is the use of Interface
39)Tell few string function names
40)Explain about web services
1)Tell me about Triggers and Storedprocedures.
2)About normalization ?
3)Diff between primary key and foriegn key
4)Diff between primary key and unique key
5)What is INDEX and how to create index
6)About joins
7)Diff between MyIsam and InnoDB
8)What are the different mysql engines
9)Diff between subquery and corelated query
10)Write a query to fetch secong largest salary taking employee frm emp table
11)Query for Export and Import data
12)Syntax for trigger and stored procedure
1)Diff between Div and Span
2)What is DTD ? How many types are there Explain about all
3)Diff between HTML and XHTML
4)Optimisation in HTML
1)Explain about box model
2)Diff between margin and padding
3)Diff types for positioning
4)Diff between position absolute and relative
5)What is float ?
6)CSS sprites
7)Optimisation in CSS
8)Diff between display inline and block
9)What is cascading
10)Image sprites
11)Conditional css
12)Diff types of styling css
13)What is the priority levels for diff types of css styling
14)Explaing about external and inline
15)What is import ?
What are storage engines in mysql
MyISAM Default engine as of MySQL 3.23 with great performance
CSV CSV storage engine
MRG_MYISAM Collection of identical MyISAM tables
BLACKHOLE /dev/null storage engine (anything you write to it disappears)
FEDERATED Federated MySQL storage engine
InnoDB Supports transactions, row-level locking, and foreign keys
ARCHIVE Archive storage engine
MEMORY Hash based, stored in memory, useful for temporary tables
PHP Sessions - Why Use Them?
As a website becomes more sophisticated, so must the code that backs it. When you get to a stage where your website need to pass along user data from one page to another, it might be time to start thinking about using PHP sessions.
Advertise on
A normal HTML website will not pass data from one page to another. In other words, all information is forgotten when a new page is loaded. This makes it quite a problem for tasks like a shopping cart, which requires data(the user's selected product) to be remembered from one page to the next.
PHP Sessions - Overview
A PHP session solves this problem by allowing you to store user information on the server for later use (i.e. username, shopping cart items, etc). However, this session information is temporary and is usually deleted very quickly after the user has left the website that uses sessions.
It is important to ponder if the sessions' temporary storage is applicable to your website. If you require a more permanent storage you will need to find another solution, like a MySQL database.
Sessions work by creating a unique identification(UID) number for each visitor and storing variables based on this ID. This helps to prevent two users' data from getting confused with one another when visiting the same webpage.
Note:If you are not experienced with session programming it is not recommended that you use sessions on a website that requires high-security, as there are security holes that take some advanced techniques to plug.
Starting a PHP Session
Before you can begin storing user information in your PHP session, you must first start the session. When you start a session, it must be at the very beginning of your code, before any HTML or text is sent.
Below is a simple script that you should place at the beginning of your PHP code to start up a PHP session.
PHP Code:
This tiny piece of code will register the user's session with the server, allow you to start saving user information and assign a UID (unique identification number) for that user's session.
Storing a Session Variable
When you want to store user data in a session use the $_SESSION associative array. This is where you both store and retrieve session data. In previous versions of PHP there were other ways to perform this store operation, but it has been updated and this is the correct way to do it.
PHP Code:
Pageviews = 1
In this example we learned how to store a variable to the session associative array $_SESSION and also how to retrieve data from that same array.
PHP Sessions: Using PHP's isset Function
Now that you are able to store and retrieve data from the $_SESSION array, we can explore some of the real functionality of sessions. When you create a variable and store it in a session, you probably want to use it in the future. However, before you use a session variable it is necessary that you check to see if it exists already!
This is where PHP's isset function comes in handy. isset is a function that takes any variable you want to use and checks to see if it has been set. That is, it has already been assigned a value.
With our previous example, we can create a very simple pageview counter by using isset to check if the pageview variable has already been created. If it has we can increment our counter. If it doesn't exist we can create a pageview counter and set it to one. Here is the code to get this job done:
PHP Code:
The first time you run this script on a freshly opened browser the if statement will fail because no session variable views would have been stored yet. However, if you were to refresh the page the if statement would be true and the counter would increment by one. Each time you reran this script you would see an increase in view by one.
Cleaning and Destroying your Session
Although a session's data is temporary and does not require that you explicitly clean after yourself, you may wish to delete some data for your various tasks.
Imagine that you were running an online business and a user used your website to buy your goods. The user has just completed a transaction on your website and you now want to remove everything from their shopping cart.
PHP Code:
You can also completely destroy the session entirely by calling the session_destroy function.
PHP Code:
Destroy will reset your session, so don't call that function unless you are entirely comfortable losing all your stored session data!
Question ID:
/ 54
Author: none
You can get PHP variables sent by a GET HTTP request by:
using the $_GET["varname"]
using the argv["varname"]
a or b
none of the above
Question ID:
/ 54
Author: palmer
PHP 5 comes with a Reflection API including several Reflection classes
true (Correct answer)
Question ID:
/ 28
Author: none
Which of the following will NOT have an effect on the performance SELECT queries? Assume that table employee has char last(50), char first(50)
ALTER TABLE employee ADD INDEX(last(20),first(20));
(Correct answer)
Question ID:
/ 16
Author: none
What tag do you use for internal style sheets?
the name of the surround html tag fro that element
Question ID:
/ 32
Author: none
How do you let a javascript method execute on loading of an HTML document?
event_listener( "onload", method() )
the onload attribute inside body tag
you cannot call javascript methods on a HTML page load
Question ID:
/ 30
Author: joe
How do you place a javascript function into an tag if you only want to execute that function?
click me
click me (Correct answer)
click me
click me
Question ID:
/ 16
Author: none
What is an inline style?
is embedded in the element but applies to a class of elements
is embedded at the top of the page in the style element and applies to the whole site
is embedded at the top of the page in the style element and applies to the whole page
applies to one specific element
Question ID:
/ 15
Author: none
What kind of a process does the following bring into the foreground? fg %?abc
end of the process name is ''abc''
proces name starts with ''abc''
the whole process name is ''abc''
any part of the process name has ''abc''
Correct -> d
Question ID:
/ 54
Author: matsumodo
If $a and $b are arrays, What will happen to the following code?
$c = $a + $b
each of the elements of $a are added to each of the elements of $b, result goes into each element of $c
$c will have the union of $a and $b
Correct -> d)
Question ID:
/ 54
Author: none
What is the difference between print and echo?
almost no difference, both set return values, both can have multiple expression statements
echo is a little faster because it does not set a return value though neither print or echo have multiple expression statements
print is a little faster because it does not set a return value
Echo can have Multiple Expression statements AND is a little faster because it does not set a return value
Correct -> d)
Question ID:
/ 32
Author: none
How do you make a hyperlink?
Correct -> d)
Question ID:
/ 54
Author: none
Which of the following is true about PHP with regards to XML
PHP5 XML handling is not backwards compatible with PHP4 XML handling
PHP5 XML and PHP4 XML are different but backwards compatible
there is no difference between PHP5/PHP4 XML handling
none of the above
Answer a
Question ID:
/ 54
Author: none
Which of the following PHP Settings is NOT specified in the php.ini file?
the level of error/warning output
allow or disallow short tags
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
18-06-2010 football worldcup matches
Group- D
Germany VS Serbia in this match Germany Lost to Serbia 1 goals to 0
Group - C
Slovania Vs USA after first half slovania leads with 1 goals to 0 over USA
England Vs Algeria
Germany VS Serbia in this match Germany Lost to Serbia 1 goals to 0
Group - C
Slovania Vs USA after first half slovania leads with 1 goals to 0 over USA
England Vs Algeria
Thursday, June 17, 2010 gives sms sending facility also
Hello All website gives sms sending facility for freely website gives sms sending facility for freely
WATCH Today's Football Match and SET FREE SMS ALERTS and GET FREE ALERTS on your MOBILE & E-MAIL Id
WATCH Today's Football Match and SET FREE SMS ALERTS and GET FREE ALERTS on your MOBILE & E-MAIL Id.::
Argentina vs. Korea Republic : 4:50PM
argentina leading won by 4 goals to 1 over south korea
Greece vs. Nigeria score card: 2 0(Greece won)
France vs. Mexico Mexico won by 2 goals to 0 over France
WATCH Today's Football Match and SET FREE SMS ALERTS and GET FREE ALERTS on your MOBILE & E-MAIL Id.::
Argentina vs. Korea Republic : 4:50PM
argentina leading won by 4 goals to 1 over south korea
Greece vs. Nigeria score card: 2 0(Greece won)
France vs. Mexico Mexico won by 2 goals to 0 over France
Australian Cricket team Vs Ireland only one day international match 17-06-2010
Australian Cricket team Vs Ireland only one day international match 17-06-2010
Australia 56/1 (13.0 ov)
Australia won the toss and elected to bat
* Australia RR 4.30
* Last 5 ovs 22/0 RR 4.40
Refresh scorecard
Current time: 11:38 local, 10:38 GMT ODI career
Batsmen Runs B 4s 6s SR This bowler Last 5 ovs Mat Runs HS Ave
*Tim Paine (rhb) 18 36 0 1 50.00 2 (4b) 3 (11b) 18 505 111 31.56
Ricky Ponting (rhb) 19 27 4 0 70.37 5 (8b) 18 (19b) 346 12914 164 43.19
Bowlers O M R W Econ 0s 4s 6s This spell Mat Wkts BBI Econ
*Kevin O'Brien (rmf) 2.0 0 7 0 3.50 8 1 0 2-0-7-0 37 18 3/30 5.20
Peter Connell (rmf) 1.0 0 9 0 9.00 3 2 0 1-0-9-0 13 13 3/68 5.44
Recent overs . 4 . . . 1 | . . . . 1 1 | 1 4 . 4 . . | . . 1 . . 4
Current partnership 36 runs, 8.0 overs, RR: 4.50 (Ponting 19, Paine 15)
Last Bat SR Watson c Wilson b Rankin 13 (15b 0x4 1x6) SR: 86.66
Fall of wicket: 20/1 (4.6 ov); Partnership: 20 runs, 5.0 overs, RR: 4.00 (Watson 13, Paine 3)
flash flash.....
tim paine got out after making 81
Recent overs 4 . . . 1wd 6 . | 1 1 . 1 W . | 2 1 1 . . 4 | .
Current partnership 8 runs, 1.2 overs, RR: 6.00 (Hussey 1, Hopes 7)
Last Bat TD Paine c NJ O'Brien b KJ O'Brien 81 (122b 5x4 2x6) SR: 66.39
Fall of wicket: 186/5 (43.5 ov); Partnership: 34 runs, 5.5 overs, RR: 5.82 (Hussey 7, Paine 26)
flash flash.....
another wicket gone after 45.2
Australia 194/6 (45.2 ov)
Australia won the toss and elected to bat
* Australia RR 4.27
* Last 5 ovs 28/2 RR 5.60
Refresh scorecard
Current time: 13:39 local, 12:39 GMT ODI career
Batsmen Runs B 4s 6s SR This bowler Last 5 ovs Mat Runs HS Ave
James Hopes (rhb) 7 5 1 0 140.00 0 (0b) 7 (5b) 78 1260 63* 25.71
Bowlers O M R W Econ 0s 4s 6s This spell Mat Wkts BBI Econ
*Kevin O'Brien (rmf) 8.2 1 25 2 3.00 31 2 0 1.2-0-3-2 37 20 3/30 5.11
Boyd Rankin (rmf) 9.0 1 40 1 4.44 35 2 2 2-0-19-0 21 29 3/32 4.94
Recent overs 4 . . . 1wd 6 . | 1 1 . 1 W . | 2 1 1 . . 4 | . W
Last Bat MEK Hussey c NJ O'Brien b KJ O'Brien 8 (17b 0x4 0x6) SR: 47.05
australia are 231/9 at the end of 50 th over
Australia 56/1 (13.0 ov)
Australia won the toss and elected to bat
* Australia RR 4.30
* Last 5 ovs 22/0 RR 4.40
Refresh scorecard
Current time: 11:38 local, 10:38 GMT ODI career
Batsmen Runs B 4s 6s SR This bowler Last 5 ovs Mat Runs HS Ave
*Tim Paine (rhb) 18 36 0 1 50.00 2 (4b) 3 (11b) 18 505 111 31.56
Ricky Ponting (rhb) 19 27 4 0 70.37 5 (8b) 18 (19b) 346 12914 164 43.19
Bowlers O M R W Econ 0s 4s 6s This spell Mat Wkts BBI Econ
*Kevin O'Brien (rmf) 2.0 0 7 0 3.50 8 1 0 2-0-7-0 37 18 3/30 5.20
Peter Connell (rmf) 1.0 0 9 0 9.00 3 2 0 1-0-9-0 13 13 3/68 5.44
Recent overs . 4 . . . 1 | . . . . 1 1 | 1 4 . 4 . . | . . 1 . . 4
Current partnership 36 runs, 8.0 overs, RR: 4.50 (Ponting 19, Paine 15)
Last Bat SR Watson c Wilson b Rankin 13 (15b 0x4 1x6) SR: 86.66
Fall of wicket: 20/1 (4.6 ov); Partnership: 20 runs, 5.0 overs, RR: 4.00 (Watson 13, Paine 3)
flash flash.....
tim paine got out after making 81
Recent overs 4 . . . 1wd 6 . | 1 1 . 1 W . | 2 1 1 . . 4 | .
Current partnership 8 runs, 1.2 overs, RR: 6.00 (Hussey 1, Hopes 7)
Last Bat TD Paine c NJ O'Brien b KJ O'Brien 81 (122b 5x4 2x6) SR: 66.39
Fall of wicket: 186/5 (43.5 ov); Partnership: 34 runs, 5.5 overs, RR: 5.82 (Hussey 7, Paine 26)
flash flash.....
another wicket gone after 45.2
Australia 194/6 (45.2 ov)
Australia won the toss and elected to bat
* Australia RR 4.27
* Last 5 ovs 28/2 RR 5.60
Refresh scorecard
Current time: 13:39 local, 12:39 GMT ODI career
Batsmen Runs B 4s 6s SR This bowler Last 5 ovs Mat Runs HS Ave
James Hopes (rhb) 7 5 1 0 140.00 0 (0b) 7 (5b) 78 1260 63* 25.71
Bowlers O M R W Econ 0s 4s 6s This spell Mat Wkts BBI Econ
*Kevin O'Brien (rmf) 8.2 1 25 2 3.00 31 2 0 1.2-0-3-2 37 20 3/30 5.11
Boyd Rankin (rmf) 9.0 1 40 1 4.44 35 2 2 2-0-19-0 21 29 3/32 4.94
Recent overs 4 . . . 1wd 6 . | 1 1 . 1 W . | 2 1 1 . . 4 | . W
Last Bat MEK Hussey c NJ O'Brien b KJ O'Brien 8 (17b 0x4 0x6) SR: 47.05
australia are 231/9 at the end of 50 th over
Another matchfixing issue from neighbouring nation
Aamer had no access to mobile phone - ICC
Cricinfo staff
June 16, 2010
Text size: A | A
Mohammad Aamer thinks about his miss of Ricky Ponting on 0, 3rd Test, Australia v Pakistan, 1st day, Hobart, January 14, 2010
Aamer was only adjusting the grill of his helmet, which misled viewers in to thinking he was using a mobile phone © Getty Images
Related Links
Players/Officials: Mohammad Aamer
Matches: Sri Lanka v Pakistan at Dambulla
Series/Tournaments: Asia Cup
Teams: Pakistan
The ICC and PCB have clarified speculation emerging from Tuesday's Asia Cup opener between Sri Lanka and Pakistan in Dambulla about a Pakistan player possibly using a cell phone in the dressing room.
Pakistani TV channels picked up on footage from the game which showed Mohammad Aamer sitting in the dressing room balcony with a helmet on, with one hand to his right ear, speaking to someone while waiting to bat. The channels implied that he was talking on a cell phone, an act in contravention of existing ICC anti-corruption rules which don't allow players to take phones into the dressing room.
The PCB emphatically denied this was the case, saying that Aamer was talking generally to the team about the situation of the match. In a statement, the board said that the manager Yawar Saeed "has confirmed to us that the rumors...are totally false and unfounded. Cell phones are not allowed under ICC & PCB rules, and as such are always collected by the security manager from every member of the squad except the manager.
"Aamer was next to go in for batting and he was sitting next to team manager along with the other members of the team in the viewing area. They were all talking about the match situation and Aamer had his hand on his helmet which has been interpreted out of context."
The ICC confirmed that the ACSU had investigated the incident and come to a similar conclusion. "The ACSU has thoroughly investigated the alleged breach...including speaking to the relevant people involved, and is satisfied that there is no evidence of Mohammad Aamer making use of a mobile phone while sitting in the dressing room yesterday (June 15) during the match against Sri Lanka at Dambulla," the ICC said.
"Although the very short video clips that are publicly available could mislead viewers into thinking he was holding on to a cell phone and speaking to someone, upon closer scrutiny the fact emerges that Mohammad was actually holding on to the front grill of his helmet, adjusting it, and at the same time making a comment to his team manager, Yawar Saeed, seated to his immediate left."
The ACSU, as a practice, collect the mobile phones of all the players and officials before a game starts. Only the team's manager is allowed to have a phone inside the area.
Cricinfo staff
June 16, 2010
Text size: A | A
Mohammad Aamer thinks about his miss of Ricky Ponting on 0, 3rd Test, Australia v Pakistan, 1st day, Hobart, January 14, 2010
Aamer was only adjusting the grill of his helmet, which misled viewers in to thinking he was using a mobile phone © Getty Images
Related Links
Players/Officials: Mohammad Aamer
Matches: Sri Lanka v Pakistan at Dambulla
Series/Tournaments: Asia Cup
Teams: Pakistan
The ICC and PCB have clarified speculation emerging from Tuesday's Asia Cup opener between Sri Lanka and Pakistan in Dambulla about a Pakistan player possibly using a cell phone in the dressing room.
Pakistani TV channels picked up on footage from the game which showed Mohammad Aamer sitting in the dressing room balcony with a helmet on, with one hand to his right ear, speaking to someone while waiting to bat. The channels implied that he was talking on a cell phone, an act in contravention of existing ICC anti-corruption rules which don't allow players to take phones into the dressing room.
The PCB emphatically denied this was the case, saying that Aamer was talking generally to the team about the situation of the match. In a statement, the board said that the manager Yawar Saeed "has confirmed to us that the rumors...are totally false and unfounded. Cell phones are not allowed under ICC & PCB rules, and as such are always collected by the security manager from every member of the squad except the manager.
"Aamer was next to go in for batting and he was sitting next to team manager along with the other members of the team in the viewing area. They were all talking about the match situation and Aamer had his hand on his helmet which has been interpreted out of context."
The ICC confirmed that the ACSU had investigated the incident and come to a similar conclusion. "The ACSU has thoroughly investigated the alleged breach...including speaking to the relevant people involved, and is satisfied that there is no evidence of Mohammad Aamer making use of a mobile phone while sitting in the dressing room yesterday (June 15) during the match against Sri Lanka at Dambulla," the ICC said.
"Although the very short video clips that are publicly available could mislead viewers into thinking he was holding on to a cell phone and speaking to someone, upon closer scrutiny the fact emerges that Mohammad was actually holding on to the front grill of his helmet, adjusting it, and at the same time making a comment to his team manager, Yawar Saeed, seated to his immediate left."
The ACSU, as a practice, collect the mobile phones of all the players and officials before a game starts. Only the team's manager is allowed to have a phone inside the area.
17-06-2010 worldcup schedule today's matches
Jun 17, 7:30am
(1:30pm SA local) Argentina vs Korea Republic Soccer City, Johannesburg Group B
19 Jun 17, 10:00am
(4:00pm SA local) Greece vs Nigeria Free State, Bloemfontein Group B
18 Jun 17, 2:30pm
(8:30pm SA local) France vs Mexico Peter Mokaba, Polokwane Group A
this url is good
for worldcup football schedule
(1:30pm SA local) Argentina vs Korea Republic Soccer City, Johannesburg Group B
19 Jun 17, 10:00am
(4:00pm SA local) Greece vs Nigeria Free State, Bloemfontein Group B
18 Jun 17, 2:30pm
(8:30pm SA local) France vs Mexico Peter Mokaba, Polokwane Group A
this url is good
for worldcup football schedule
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
worldcup 2010 football today's matches 16-06-2010
worldcup 2010 football today's matches 16-06-2010
in Group-H there are two matches today
1.Honduras vs Chile match ended Chile won by 1 goals to 0 over Honduras
2.Spain Vs switzerland match switzerland beat Spain with 1 goals to 0
another match between South Africa Vs Uruguay in Group-A match, Uruguay beat south africa by 3 goals to 0
in Group-H there are two matches today
1.Honduras vs Chile match ended Chile won by 1 goals to 0 over Honduras
2.Spain Vs switzerland match switzerland beat Spain with 1 goals to 0
another match between South Africa Vs Uruguay in Group-A match, Uruguay beat south africa by 3 goals to 0
asia cup 2010 today's match between bangladesh and india
Hi all
today in Asia cup 2010 cricket match India Beat Bangladesh 2010 by 6 wickets
today in Asia cup 2010 cricket match India Beat Bangladesh 2010 by 6 wickets
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
asia cup 2010 cricket matches started today
asia cup 2010 cricket matches started today
in the first match srilanka takes on pakistan today
srilanka won the toss and elected to bat first and scored 242/9 in 50 overs in reply pakistan scored 71/4 in 20 overs
the score card is as follows till now
Sri Lanka innings (50 overs maximum) R B 4s 6s SR
View dismissal WU Tharanga c Salman Butt b Shoaib Akhtar 11 16 2 0 68.75
6.3 143.1 kph, Shoaib smiles. He spreads his arms. He doesn't run to nowhere like he used to do. Just stands there and walks towards his team-mates. Times they are changing. It was a short delivery outside off and Tharanga went for the cut but edged it to first slip. 31/1
View dismissal TM Dilshan c Umar Amin b Mohammad Asif 18 25 3 0 72.00
8.1 128.0 kph, Now it's the turn of Asif to smile. Courtesy a fab catch from Umar Amin. It was a gentle length delivery outside off and Dilshan goes for the on-the-up square drive. The ball flies and dips to the left of cover point where Amin dives to take it inches of the turf. It was dying on him and well to the left but he flung himself and got his palms under the ball. The Sri Lankan openers are back in the hut. The old firm of Sanga and Mahela are in. 36/2
View dismissal KC Sangakkara*† c Umar Akmal b Shahid Afridi 42 63 4 0 66.66
25.1 95.3 kph, Sanga falls. No it's not a tourist sight and the sparse crowd is stunned. It was floated outside off, Sanga fetched it from there and whipped it left of short midwicket. Sharp catch. The 83-run partnership is over now. 119/3
View dismissal DPMD Jayawardene lbw b Shoaib Malik 54 64 3 0 84.37
31.3 80.7 kph, Mahela has been given out lbw and he doesn't seem to be too happy with the decision. Reason? There was a bottom edge there. Hence the reaction from Mahela. It was a flighted off break around off stump and Mahela went for the reverse sweep and edged it to his pad. A fine innings but it's over now. Vital moment this. 150 for 4. The game could tilt either way now. Will Pakistan get ahead or will Sri Lanka move on? 150/4
View dismissal TT Samaraweera c Umar Akmal b Abdul Razzaq 17 22 0 0 77.27
32.1 128.2 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 0 0 77.27 32.1 128.2 end_of_the_skype_highlighting kph, And Pakistan get ahead with another strike. Soft dismissal. Samaraweera is angry with himself and crashes his bat on his pad as he walks off. It was a full delivery well outside off and Samaraweera square drove it straight to backward point. The bottom-hand came of the handle on point of impact and he couldn't control the shot. He ended up slicing it 150/5
AD Mathews not out 55 61 4 0 90.16
View dismissal CK Kapugedera c Umar Akmal b Shoaib Akhtar 2 6 0 0 33.33
34.6 143.0 kph, Again Shoaib smiles gently. He spreads his arms and walks slowly towards his team-mates. It was delivered from a short run-up, a short delivery outside off and the batsman went for the cut shot. The ball flew quickly and slightly low to backward point where it was swallowed on the rebound. The ball popped out but the fielder dived forward to secure it. The catching has been pretty good today. Sri Lanka slid further. That Mahela wicket was indeed the turning point 160/6
View dismissal MF Maharoof c †Kamran Akmal b Shoaib Akhtar 1 3 0 0 33.33
36.5 139.9 kph, That smile again. That gentle jog again. No wild celebrations. The left hand slowly goes up and a smile creases his face. It was a length delivery that straightened outside off stump, Maharoof, who had left the previous delivery alone, had a poke at this one. Mistake. Gone! 168/7
View dismissal KMDN Kulasekara b Mohammad Aamer 14 27 0 0 51.85
45.6 139.5 kph, Yorked! Kula took a step out and to the on side and went for the big hit but missed. Timber! He ended up yorking himself by moving forward there. 211/8
View dismissal SL Malinga b Mohammad Aamer 16 12 1 1 133.33
49.4 122.7 kph, moves outside leg and is cleaned up by the slower one. He had a slog and a miss. Quite a handy contribution from Malinga; could prove very vital in the end 239/9
M Muralitharan not out 1 1 0 0 100.00
Extras (lb 5, w 6) 11
Total (9 wickets; 50 overs) 242 (4.84 runs per over)
Fall of wickets1-31 (Tharanga, 6.3 ov), 2-36 (Dilshan, 8.1 ov), 3-119 (Sangakkara, 25.1 ov), 4-150 (Jayawardene, 31.3 ov), 5-150 (Samaraweera, 32.1 ov), 6-160 (Kapugedera, 34.6 ov), 7-168 (Maharoof, 36.5 ov), 8-211 (Kulasekara, 45.6 ov), 9-239 (Malinga, 49.4 ov)
Bowling O M R W Econ
View wickets Shoaib Akhtar 10 1 41 3 4.10
6.3 to Tharanga, 143.1 kph, Shoaib smiles. He spreads his arms. He doesn't run to nowhere like he used to do. Just stands there and walks towards his team-mates. Times they are changing. It was a short delivery outside off and Tharanga went for the cut but edged it to first slip. 31/1
34.6 to Kapugedera, 143.0 kph, Again Shoaib smiles gently. He spreads his arms and walks slowly towards his team-mates. It was delivered from a short run-up, a short delivery outside off and the batsman went for the cut shot. The ball flew quickly and slightly low to backward point where it was swallowed on the rebound. The ball popped out but the fielder dived forward to secure it. The catching has been pretty good today. Sri Lanka slid further. That Mahela wicket was indeed the turning point 160/6
36.5 to Maharoof, 139.9 kph, That smile again. That gentle jog again. No wild celebrations. The left hand slowly goes up and a smile creases his face. It was a length delivery that straightened outside off stump, Maharoof, who had left the previous delivery alone, had a poke at this one. Mistake. Gone! 168/7
View wicket Mohammad Asif 9 0 55 1 6.11 (1w)
8.1 to Dilshan, 128.0 kph, Now it's the turn of Asif to smile. Courtesy a fab catch from Umar Amin. It was a gentle length delivery outside off and Dilshan goes for the on-the-up square drive. The ball flies and dips to the left of cover point where Amin dives to take it inches of the turf. It was dying on him and well to the left but he flung himself and got his palms under the ball. The Sri Lankan openers are back in the hut. The old firm of Sanga and Mahela are in. 36/2
View wickets Mohammad Aamer 10 1 57 2 5.70 (1w)
45.6 to Kulasekara, 139.5 kph, Yorked! Kula took a step out and to the on side and went for the big hit but missed. Timber! He ended up yorking himself by moving forward there. 211/8
49.4 to Malinga, 122.7 kph, moves outside leg and is cleaned up by the slower one. He had a slog and a miss. Quite a handy contribution from Malinga; could prove very vital in the end 239/9
View wicket Abdul Razzaq 8 0 27 1 3.37 (2w)
32.1 to Samaraweera, 128.2 kph, And Pakistan get ahead with another strike. Soft dismissal. Samaraweera is angry with himself and crashes his bat on his pad as he walks off. It was a full delivery well outside off and Samaraweera square drove it straight to backward point. The bottom-hand came of the handle on point of impact and he couldn't control the shot. He ended up slicing it 150/5
View wicket Shahid Afridi 10 0 43 1 4.30 (1w)
25.1 to Sangakkara, 95.3 kph, Sanga falls. No it's not a tourist sight and the sparse crowd is stunned. It was floated outside off, Sanga fetched it from there and whipped it left of short midwicket. Sharp catch. The 83-run partnership is over now. 119/3
View wicket Shoaib Malik 3 0 14 1 4.66 (1w)
31.3 to Jayawardene, 80.7 kph, Mahela has been given out lbw and he doesn't seem to be too happy with the decision. Reason? There was a bottom edge there. Hence the reaction from Mahela. It was a flighted off break around off stump and Mahela went for the reverse sweep and edged it to his pad. A fine innings but it's over now. Vital moment this. 150 for 4. The game could tilt either way now. Will Pakistan get ahead or will Sri Lanka move on? 150/4
Pakistan innings (target: 243 runs from 50 overs) R B 4s 6s SR
View dismissal Shahzaib Hasan c Malinga b Mathews 11 33 1 0 33.33
13.2 128.0 kph, Shahzaib combusts. It was a short-of-length delivery cutting into him and Shahzaib tries to slog it over mid-on but makes contact with the top half of the bat due to the bounce. The ball lobs gently towards mid-on. It was a very struggling innings and it's over now. 32/4
View dismissal Salman Butt b Malinga 0 3 0 0 0.00
1.3 142.3 kph, Hasta la vista baby! Full, pacy and the middle stump has been pegged back. It landed full in length, landed on the off and middle line and seamed in to go through the bat and pad gap. Clatter! Butt went neither forward or back and groped blindly outside the line. 0/1
View dismissal Umar Amin c †Sangakkara b Malinga 7 26 0 0 26.92
7.3 142.1 kph, Malinga follows the slower one with a bouncer that does the trick. It climbed rapidly on Umar Amin who went for the pull but was beaten by the pace. The top edge saw the ball swirling down towards Sangakkara who had to lunge out in the end to take it. Pakistan 11 for 2 and wobbling. 11/2
View dismissal Shoaib Malik c †Sangakkara b Mathews 8 14 0 0 57.14
11.6 127.7 kph, And the pressure gets to him. Shoaib Malik rushes down the track, looking for the big hit but Angelo shortened the length. Malik tried to go through with the shot and went for an on-the-up hit but only managed to edge it. 28/3
Umar Akmal not out 12 23 0 0 52.17
Shahid Afridi* not out 26 21 1 2 123.80
Extras (lb 3, w 4) 7
Total (4 wickets; 19.6 overs) 71 (3.55 runs per over)
To bat Kamran Akmal†, Abdul Razzaq, Shoaib Akhtar, Mohammad Asif, Mohammad Aamer
Fall of wickets1-0 (Salman Butt, 1.3 ov), 2-11 (Umar Amin, 7.3 ov), 3-28 (Shoaib Malik, 11.6 ov), 4-32 (Shahzaib Hasan, 13.2 ov)
Bowling O M R W Econ
KMDN Kulasekara 7 1 15 0 2.14 (1w)
View wickets SL Malinga 4 0 9 2 2.25 (1w)
1.3 to Salman Butt, 142.3 kph, Hasta la vista baby! Full, pacy and the middle stump has been pegged back. It landed full in length, landed on the off and middle line and seamed in to go through the bat and pad gap. Clatter! Butt went neither forward or back and groped blindly outside the line. 0/1
7.3 to Umar Amin, 142.1 kph, Malinga follows the slower one with a bouncer that does the trick. It climbed rapidly on Umar Amin who went for the pull but was beaten by the pace. The top edge saw the ball swirling down towards Sangakkara who had to lunge out in the end to take it. Pakistan 11 for 2 and wobbling. 11/2
View wickets AD Mathews 5 1 16 2 3.20 (1w)
11.6 to Shoaib Malik, 127.7 kph, And the pressure gets to him. Shoaib Malik rushes down the track, looking for the big hit but Angelo shortened the length. Malik tried to go through with the shot and went for an on-the-up hit but only managed to edge it. 28/3
13.2 to Shahzaib Hasan, 128.0 kph, Shahzaib combusts. It was a short-of-length delivery cutting into him and Shahzaib tries to slog it over mid-on but makes contact with the top half of the bat due to the bounce. The ball lobs gently towards mid-on. It was a very struggling innings and it's over now. 32/4
MF Maharoof 3 0 25 0 8.33 (1w)
M Muralitharan 0.6 0 3 0 3.00
Match details
Toss Sri Lanka, who chose to bat
ODI debuts Shahzaib Hasan and Umar Amin (Pakistan)
courtesy cricinfo
sai gopal
update:::: newsflash
srilanka beat pakisthan by 16 runs
Sri Lanka 242/9 (50 ov)
Pakistan 226 (47.0 ov)
Sri Lanka won by 16 runs
* Pakistan RR 4.80
* Last 5 ovs 16/3 RR 3.20
* Required RR 5.66
* Sri Lanka RR 4.84
Refresh scorecard
Current time: 23:47 local, 18:17 GMT ODI career
Batsmen Runs B 4s 6s SR This bowler Last 5 ovs Mat Runs HS Ave
*Abdul Razzaq (rhb) 26 46 2 0 56.52 5 (8b) 11 (16b) 238 4616 112 29.78
Bowlers O M R W Econ 0s 4s 6s This spell Mat Wkts BBI Econ
*Lasith Malinga (rf) 10.0 0 34 5 3.40 40 2 0 3-0-9-3 65 95 5/34 5.03
Muttiah Muralitharan (ob) 10.0 0 71 1 7.10 30 3 5 2-0-7-0 335 513 7/30 3.92
Recent overs . . 1 . . 1 | . W 1 1 W . | . . . 4 . 1 | 1wd . . . . 1 Wri Lanka 242/9 (50 ov)
Pakistan 226 (47.0 ov)
Sri Lanka won by 16 runs
* Pakistan RR 4.80
* Last 5 ovs 16/3 RR 3.20
* Required RR 5.66
* Sri Lanka RR 4.84
Refresh scorecard
Current time: 23:47 local, 18:17 GMT ODI career
Batsmen Runs B 4s 6s SR This bowler Last 5 ovs Mat Runs HS Ave
*Abdul Razzaq (rhb) 26 46 2 0 56.52 5 (8b) 11 (16b) 238 4616 112 29.78
Bowlers O M R W Econ 0s 4s 6s This spell Mat Wkts BBI Econ
*Lasith Malinga (rf) 10.0 0 34 5 3.40 40 2 0 3-0-9-3 65 95 5/34 5.03
Muttiah Muralitharan (ob) 10.0 0 71 1 7.10 30 3 5 2-0-7-0 335 513 7/30 3.92
Recent overs . . 1 . . 1 | . W 1 1 W . | . . . 4 . 1 | 1wd . . . . 1 W
in the first match srilanka takes on pakistan today
srilanka won the toss and elected to bat first and scored 242/9 in 50 overs in reply pakistan scored 71/4 in 20 overs
the score card is as follows till now
Sri Lanka innings (50 overs maximum) R B 4s 6s SR
View dismissal WU Tharanga c Salman Butt b Shoaib Akhtar 11 16 2 0 68.75
6.3 143.1 kph, Shoaib smiles. He spreads his arms. He doesn't run to nowhere like he used to do. Just stands there and walks towards his team-mates. Times they are changing. It was a short delivery outside off and Tharanga went for the cut but edged it to first slip. 31/1
View dismissal TM Dilshan c Umar Amin b Mohammad Asif 18 25 3 0 72.00
8.1 128.0 kph, Now it's the turn of Asif to smile. Courtesy a fab catch from Umar Amin. It was a gentle length delivery outside off and Dilshan goes for the on-the-up square drive. The ball flies and dips to the left of cover point where Amin dives to take it inches of the turf. It was dying on him and well to the left but he flung himself and got his palms under the ball. The Sri Lankan openers are back in the hut. The old firm of Sanga and Mahela are in. 36/2
View dismissal KC Sangakkara*† c Umar Akmal b Shahid Afridi 42 63 4 0 66.66
25.1 95.3 kph, Sanga falls. No it's not a tourist sight and the sparse crowd is stunned. It was floated outside off, Sanga fetched it from there and whipped it left of short midwicket. Sharp catch. The 83-run partnership is over now. 119/3
View dismissal DPMD Jayawardene lbw b Shoaib Malik 54 64 3 0 84.37
31.3 80.7 kph, Mahela has been given out lbw and he doesn't seem to be too happy with the decision. Reason? There was a bottom edge there. Hence the reaction from Mahela. It was a flighted off break around off stump and Mahela went for the reverse sweep and edged it to his pad. A fine innings but it's over now. Vital moment this. 150 for 4. The game could tilt either way now. Will Pakistan get ahead or will Sri Lanka move on? 150/4
View dismissal TT Samaraweera c Umar Akmal b Abdul Razzaq 17 22 0 0 77.27
32.1 128.2 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 0 0 77.27 32.1 128.2 end_of_the_skype_highlighting kph, And Pakistan get ahead with another strike. Soft dismissal. Samaraweera is angry with himself and crashes his bat on his pad as he walks off. It was a full delivery well outside off and Samaraweera square drove it straight to backward point. The bottom-hand came of the handle on point of impact and he couldn't control the shot. He ended up slicing it 150/5
AD Mathews not out 55 61 4 0 90.16
View dismissal CK Kapugedera c Umar Akmal b Shoaib Akhtar 2 6 0 0 33.33
34.6 143.0 kph, Again Shoaib smiles gently. He spreads his arms and walks slowly towards his team-mates. It was delivered from a short run-up, a short delivery outside off and the batsman went for the cut shot. The ball flew quickly and slightly low to backward point where it was swallowed on the rebound. The ball popped out but the fielder dived forward to secure it. The catching has been pretty good today. Sri Lanka slid further. That Mahela wicket was indeed the turning point 160/6
View dismissal MF Maharoof c †Kamran Akmal b Shoaib Akhtar 1 3 0 0 33.33
36.5 139.9 kph, That smile again. That gentle jog again. No wild celebrations. The left hand slowly goes up and a smile creases his face. It was a length delivery that straightened outside off stump, Maharoof, who had left the previous delivery alone, had a poke at this one. Mistake. Gone! 168/7
View dismissal KMDN Kulasekara b Mohammad Aamer 14 27 0 0 51.85
45.6 139.5 kph, Yorked! Kula took a step out and to the on side and went for the big hit but missed. Timber! He ended up yorking himself by moving forward there. 211/8
View dismissal SL Malinga b Mohammad Aamer 16 12 1 1 133.33
49.4 122.7 kph, moves outside leg and is cleaned up by the slower one. He had a slog and a miss. Quite a handy contribution from Malinga; could prove very vital in the end 239/9
M Muralitharan not out 1 1 0 0 100.00
Extras (lb 5, w 6) 11
Total (9 wickets; 50 overs) 242 (4.84 runs per over)
Fall of wickets1-31 (Tharanga, 6.3 ov), 2-36 (Dilshan, 8.1 ov), 3-119 (Sangakkara, 25.1 ov), 4-150 (Jayawardene, 31.3 ov), 5-150 (Samaraweera, 32.1 ov), 6-160 (Kapugedera, 34.6 ov), 7-168 (Maharoof, 36.5 ov), 8-211 (Kulasekara, 45.6 ov), 9-239 (Malinga, 49.4 ov)
Bowling O M R W Econ
View wickets Shoaib Akhtar 10 1 41 3 4.10
6.3 to Tharanga, 143.1 kph, Shoaib smiles. He spreads his arms. He doesn't run to nowhere like he used to do. Just stands there and walks towards his team-mates. Times they are changing. It was a short delivery outside off and Tharanga went for the cut but edged it to first slip. 31/1
34.6 to Kapugedera, 143.0 kph, Again Shoaib smiles gently. He spreads his arms and walks slowly towards his team-mates. It was delivered from a short run-up, a short delivery outside off and the batsman went for the cut shot. The ball flew quickly and slightly low to backward point where it was swallowed on the rebound. The ball popped out but the fielder dived forward to secure it. The catching has been pretty good today. Sri Lanka slid further. That Mahela wicket was indeed the turning point 160/6
36.5 to Maharoof, 139.9 kph, That smile again. That gentle jog again. No wild celebrations. The left hand slowly goes up and a smile creases his face. It was a length delivery that straightened outside off stump, Maharoof, who had left the previous delivery alone, had a poke at this one. Mistake. Gone! 168/7
View wicket Mohammad Asif 9 0 55 1 6.11 (1w)
8.1 to Dilshan, 128.0 kph, Now it's the turn of Asif to smile. Courtesy a fab catch from Umar Amin. It was a gentle length delivery outside off and Dilshan goes for the on-the-up square drive. The ball flies and dips to the left of cover point where Amin dives to take it inches of the turf. It was dying on him and well to the left but he flung himself and got his palms under the ball. The Sri Lankan openers are back in the hut. The old firm of Sanga and Mahela are in. 36/2
View wickets Mohammad Aamer 10 1 57 2 5.70 (1w)
45.6 to Kulasekara, 139.5 kph, Yorked! Kula took a step out and to the on side and went for the big hit but missed. Timber! He ended up yorking himself by moving forward there. 211/8
49.4 to Malinga, 122.7 kph, moves outside leg and is cleaned up by the slower one. He had a slog and a miss. Quite a handy contribution from Malinga; could prove very vital in the end 239/9
View wicket Abdul Razzaq 8 0 27 1 3.37 (2w)
32.1 to Samaraweera, 128.2 kph, And Pakistan get ahead with another strike. Soft dismissal. Samaraweera is angry with himself and crashes his bat on his pad as he walks off. It was a full delivery well outside off and Samaraweera square drove it straight to backward point. The bottom-hand came of the handle on point of impact and he couldn't control the shot. He ended up slicing it 150/5
View wicket Shahid Afridi 10 0 43 1 4.30 (1w)
25.1 to Sangakkara, 95.3 kph, Sanga falls. No it's not a tourist sight and the sparse crowd is stunned. It was floated outside off, Sanga fetched it from there and whipped it left of short midwicket. Sharp catch. The 83-run partnership is over now. 119/3
View wicket Shoaib Malik 3 0 14 1 4.66 (1w)
31.3 to Jayawardene, 80.7 kph, Mahela has been given out lbw and he doesn't seem to be too happy with the decision. Reason? There was a bottom edge there. Hence the reaction from Mahela. It was a flighted off break around off stump and Mahela went for the reverse sweep and edged it to his pad. A fine innings but it's over now. Vital moment this. 150 for 4. The game could tilt either way now. Will Pakistan get ahead or will Sri Lanka move on? 150/4
Pakistan innings (target: 243 runs from 50 overs) R B 4s 6s SR
View dismissal Shahzaib Hasan c Malinga b Mathews 11 33 1 0 33.33
13.2 128.0 kph, Shahzaib combusts. It was a short-of-length delivery cutting into him and Shahzaib tries to slog it over mid-on but makes contact with the top half of the bat due to the bounce. The ball lobs gently towards mid-on. It was a very struggling innings and it's over now. 32/4
View dismissal Salman Butt b Malinga 0 3 0 0 0.00
1.3 142.3 kph, Hasta la vista baby! Full, pacy and the middle stump has been pegged back. It landed full in length, landed on the off and middle line and seamed in to go through the bat and pad gap. Clatter! Butt went neither forward or back and groped blindly outside the line. 0/1
View dismissal Umar Amin c †Sangakkara b Malinga 7 26 0 0 26.92
7.3 142.1 kph, Malinga follows the slower one with a bouncer that does the trick. It climbed rapidly on Umar Amin who went for the pull but was beaten by the pace. The top edge saw the ball swirling down towards Sangakkara who had to lunge out in the end to take it. Pakistan 11 for 2 and wobbling. 11/2
View dismissal Shoaib Malik c †Sangakkara b Mathews 8 14 0 0 57.14
11.6 127.7 kph, And the pressure gets to him. Shoaib Malik rushes down the track, looking for the big hit but Angelo shortened the length. Malik tried to go through with the shot and went for an on-the-up hit but only managed to edge it. 28/3
Umar Akmal not out 12 23 0 0 52.17
Shahid Afridi* not out 26 21 1 2 123.80
Extras (lb 3, w 4) 7
Total (4 wickets; 19.6 overs) 71 (3.55 runs per over)
To bat Kamran Akmal†, Abdul Razzaq, Shoaib Akhtar, Mohammad Asif, Mohammad Aamer
Fall of wickets1-0 (Salman Butt, 1.3 ov), 2-11 (Umar Amin, 7.3 ov), 3-28 (Shoaib Malik, 11.6 ov), 4-32 (Shahzaib Hasan, 13.2 ov)
Bowling O M R W Econ
KMDN Kulasekara 7 1 15 0 2.14 (1w)
View wickets SL Malinga 4 0 9 2 2.25 (1w)
1.3 to Salman Butt, 142.3 kph, Hasta la vista baby! Full, pacy and the middle stump has been pegged back. It landed full in length, landed on the off and middle line and seamed in to go through the bat and pad gap. Clatter! Butt went neither forward or back and groped blindly outside the line. 0/1
7.3 to Umar Amin, 142.1 kph, Malinga follows the slower one with a bouncer that does the trick. It climbed rapidly on Umar Amin who went for the pull but was beaten by the pace. The top edge saw the ball swirling down towards Sangakkara who had to lunge out in the end to take it. Pakistan 11 for 2 and wobbling. 11/2
View wickets AD Mathews 5 1 16 2 3.20 (1w)
11.6 to Shoaib Malik, 127.7 kph, And the pressure gets to him. Shoaib Malik rushes down the track, looking for the big hit but Angelo shortened the length. Malik tried to go through with the shot and went for an on-the-up hit but only managed to edge it. 28/3
13.2 to Shahzaib Hasan, 128.0 kph, Shahzaib combusts. It was a short-of-length delivery cutting into him and Shahzaib tries to slog it over mid-on but makes contact with the top half of the bat due to the bounce. The ball lobs gently towards mid-on. It was a very struggling innings and it's over now. 32/4
MF Maharoof 3 0 25 0 8.33 (1w)
M Muralitharan 0.6 0 3 0 3.00
Match details
Toss Sri Lanka, who chose to bat
ODI debuts Shahzaib Hasan and Umar Amin (Pakistan)
courtesy cricinfo
sai gopal
update:::: newsflash
srilanka beat pakisthan by 16 runs
Sri Lanka 242/9 (50 ov)
Pakistan 226 (47.0 ov)
Sri Lanka won by 16 runs
* Pakistan RR 4.80
* Last 5 ovs 16/3 RR 3.20
* Required RR 5.66
* Sri Lanka RR 4.84
Refresh scorecard
Current time: 23:47 local, 18:17 GMT ODI career
Batsmen Runs B 4s 6s SR This bowler Last 5 ovs Mat Runs HS Ave
*Abdul Razzaq (rhb) 26 46 2 0 56.52 5 (8b) 11 (16b) 238 4616 112 29.78
Bowlers O M R W Econ 0s 4s 6s This spell Mat Wkts BBI Econ
*Lasith Malinga (rf) 10.0 0 34 5 3.40 40 2 0 3-0-9-3 65 95 5/34 5.03
Muttiah Muralitharan (ob) 10.0 0 71 1 7.10 30 3 5 2-0-7-0 335 513 7/30 3.92
Recent overs . . 1 . . 1 | . W 1 1 W . | . . . 4 . 1 | 1wd . . . . 1 Wri Lanka 242/9 (50 ov)
Pakistan 226 (47.0 ov)
Sri Lanka won by 16 runs
* Pakistan RR 4.80
* Last 5 ovs 16/3 RR 3.20
* Required RR 5.66
* Sri Lanka RR 4.84
Refresh scorecard
Current time: 23:47 local, 18:17 GMT ODI career
Batsmen Runs B 4s 6s SR This bowler Last 5 ovs Mat Runs HS Ave
*Abdul Razzaq (rhb) 26 46 2 0 56.52 5 (8b) 11 (16b) 238 4616 112 29.78
Bowlers O M R W Econ 0s 4s 6s This spell Mat Wkts BBI Econ
*Lasith Malinga (rf) 10.0 0 34 5 3.40 40 2 0 3-0-9-3 65 95 5/34 5.03
Muttiah Muralitharan (ob) 10.0 0 71 1 7.10 30 3 5 2-0-7-0 335 513 7/30 3.92
Recent overs . . 1 . . 1 | . W 1 1 W . | . . . 4 . 1 | 1wd . . . . 1 W
15-06-2010 today's worldcup football matches
today's matches in worldcup 2010 are
newzeland vs slovakia in group f match 1 -1 draw
group - G matches
ivory coast vs portugal match at the end of half time both teams are 0-0 and match ended in a draw
in another group - g match worth watching and must watching match brazil beat north korea by 2 goals to 1
newzeland vs slovakia in group f match 1 -1 draw
group - G matches
ivory coast vs portugal match at the end of half time both teams are 0-0 and match ended in a draw
in another group - g match worth watching and must watching match brazil beat north korea by 2 goals to 1
Monday, June 14, 2010
14-06-2010 today's matches in worldcup 2010 football
today's matches in worldcup 2010 football are
netherlands vs Denmark Netherlands beat Denmark by 2 goals to 0
the other group=e match today is between japan beat cameroon by 1 goals to 0
in group-f
the present football worldcup champion italy won by 1 goals to 0 over paraguay
today's matches in worldcup 2010 football are
netherlands vs Denmark Netherlands beat Denmark by 2 goals to 0
the other group=e match today is between japan beat cameroon by 1 goals to 0
in group-f
the present football worldcup champion italy won by 1 goals to 0 over paraguay
14-06-2010 today's matches in worldcup 2010 football
today's matches in worldcup 2010 football are
netherlands vs Denmark - running netherland leads with 1 goal to 0 by 54th minute
the other group=e match today is between japan and cameroon
in group-f
the present football worldcup champion italy takes on paraguay today late night indian time
today's matches in worldcup 2010 football are
netherlands vs Denmark - running netherland leads with 1 goal to 0 by 54th minute
the other group=e match today is between japan and cameroon
in group-f
the present football worldcup champion italy takes on paraguay today late night indian time
The Worlds Tallest Skyscraper - Burj Khalifa Dubai
The Worlds Tallest Skyscraper - Burj Khalifa Dubai
Burj Khalifa is a skyscraper in Dubai and the tallest man-made structure ever built, at 828 m. It was known as Burj Dubai prior to its inauguration. The price of office space real estate had reached US$4,000 per sq ft in 2009. Construction began on 21 September 2004, with the exterior of the structure completed on 1 October 2009. The building officially opened on 4 January 2010.
The tower is designed by Skidmore, Owings and Merrill, who also designed the Willis Tower (formerly the Sears Tower) in Chicago, Illinois and 1 World Trade Center in New York City, among numerous other famous high-rises. Construction began on 21 September 2004, with the exterior of the structure completed on 1 October 2009. The building officially opened on 4 January 2010.
The total cost for the Burj Khalifa project was about US$1.5 billion.
Burj Khalifa is a skyscraper in Dubai and the tallest man-made structure ever built, at 828 m. It was known as Burj Dubai prior to its inauguration. The price of office space real estate had reached US$4,000 per sq ft in 2009. Construction began on 21 September 2004, with the exterior of the structure completed on 1 October 2009. The building officially opened on 4 January 2010.
The tower is designed by Skidmore, Owings and Merrill, who also designed the Willis Tower (formerly the Sears Tower) in Chicago, Illinois and 1 World Trade Center in New York City, among numerous other famous high-rises. Construction began on 21 September 2004, with the exterior of the structure completed on 1 October 2009. The building officially opened on 4 January 2010.
The total cost for the Burj Khalifa project was about US$1.5 billion.
Amazing Water Brige in Germany
Water Bridge in Germany
Water Bridge in Germany... What a feat!
Six years, 500 million euros, 918 meters this is engineering!
This is a channel-bridge over the River Elbe and joins the former East and
West Germany, as part of the unification project. It is located in the city
of Magdeburg, near Berlin. The photo was taken on the day of inauguration.
To those who appreciate engineering projects
Water Bridge Germany
Taking six years to build and costing around half a billion euros, the massive undertaking will connect Berlin's inland harbor with the ports along the Rhine river. At the center of the project is Europe's longest water bridge measuring in just shy of a kilometer at 918 meters. The huge tub to transport ships over the Elbe took 24,000 metric tons of steel and 68,000 cubic meters of concrete to build.
The water bridge will enable river barges to avoid a lengthy and sometimes unreliable passage along the Elbe. Shipping can often come to a halt on the stretch if the river's water mark falls to unacceptably low levels.
Water Bridge in Germany... What a feat!
Six years, 500 million euros, 918 meters this is engineering!
This is a channel-bridge over the River Elbe and joins the former East and
West Germany, as part of the unification project. It is located in the city
of Magdeburg, near Berlin. The photo was taken on the day of inauguration.
To those who appreciate engineering projects
Water Bridge Germany
Taking six years to build and costing around half a billion euros, the massive undertaking will connect Berlin's inland harbor with the ports along the Rhine river. At the center of the project is Europe's longest water bridge measuring in just shy of a kilometer at 918 meters. The huge tub to transport ships over the Elbe took 24,000 metric tons of steel and 68,000 cubic meters of concrete to build.
The water bridge will enable river barges to avoid a lengthy and sometimes unreliable passage along the Elbe. Shipping can often come to a halt on the stretch if the river's water mark falls to unacceptably low levels.
PHP for the worldwide web
PHP for the World Wide Web:
Visual QuickStart Guide, 3rd Edition
480 pages | PDF | 10,1 MB
With PHP for the World Wide Web, Third Edition: Visual QuickStart Guide, readers can start from the beginning to get a tour of the programming language, or look up specific tasks to learn just what they need to know. This task-based visual reference guide uses step-by-step instructions and plenty of screenshots to teach beginning and intermediate users this popular open-source scripting language. Leading technology author Larry Ullman guides readers through the new features in PHP 6, focusing primarily on improved support for handling any language in a Web site.
Other addressed changes include removal of outdated and insecure features, plus new functions and more efficient ways to tackle common needs. Both beginning users, who want a thorough introduction to the technology, and more intermediate users, who are looking for a convenient reference, will find what they need here--in straightforward language and thorough readily accessible examples.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
worldcup 2010 results on 13-06-2010
worldcup 2010 results on 13-06-2010
in Group = c match algeria vs slovenia slovenia won by 1 goal to 0 in an exciting match
currently group = d match between serbia and ghana is finished and Ghana won with 1 goal to 0 against Serbia
note:Ghana to a 1-0 victory over Serbia is the first win by an African team at the World Cup
Germany won by 4 goals to nill over australia
in Group = c match algeria vs slovenia slovenia won by 1 goal to 0 in an exciting match
currently group = d match between serbia and ghana is finished and Ghana won with 1 goal to 0 against Serbia
note:Ghana to a 1-0 victory over Serbia is the first win by an African team at the World Cup
Germany won by 4 goals to nill over australia
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Soccer & Football In Poor Countries.
Soccer & Football In Poor Countries.
Soccer or football in Europe, is one of the most popular sports in the world and is very famous in African countries. Almost every kid there plays it. Often, they don’t have equipped fields or good quality balls in the streets but it doesn’t seem to bother them because they have a lot of imagination and hand skills.
Soccer or football in Europe, is one of the most popular sports in the world and is very famous in African countries. Almost every kid there plays it. Often, they don’t have equipped fields or good quality balls in the streets but it doesn’t seem to bother them because they have a lot of imagination and hand skills.
You can watch worldcup 2010 live in following websites
You can watch worldcup 2010 live in following websites
FIFA World Cup 2010 Online absolutely & enjoy
Pls click the following link's below.
7. channelsurfing. net
FIFA World Cup 2010 Online absolutely & enjoy
Pls click the following link's below.
7. channelsurfing. net
another website to watch scores and photos of worldcup 2010 soccer
another website to watch scores and photos of worldcup 2010 soccer
Live score of today's second match in worldcup 2010
Gabriel Heinze number 6 jersey scored only goal for argentina against nigeria at 6 th minute of the game
and Yellow card issued to argentina's Jonas Gutierrez with his jersey number 17 on the 41st minute of the game
And in the 77th minute another yellow card issued to Lukman Haruna of Nigeria with the jersey number 15
this game played at Johannesburg and group-b match
Argentina - Nigeria
1 : 0 HT
1 : 0 FT
and Yellow card issued to argentina's Jonas Gutierrez with his jersey number 17 on the 41st minute of the game
And in the 77th minute another yellow card issued to Lukman Haruna of Nigeria with the jersey number 15
this game played at Johannesburg and group-b match
Argentina - Nigeria
1 : 0 HT
1 : 0 FT
Live score of today's first match in worldcup 2010
Live score of today's first match in worldcup 2010
Hi all
In today's first match between south korea vs Greece South korea beat greeece by 2 goals to nil
Jung Soo Lee number 14 jersey scored first goal at 7 th minute of the game
Ji Sung Park number 7 jersey scored second goal at 52nd minute of the game
and Yellow card issued to Greece's Vasileios Torosidis with his jersey number 15 on the 56th minute of the game
this game played at Johannesburg and group-b match
South Korea - Greece
1 : 0 HT
2 : 0 FT
Hi all
In today's first match between south korea vs Greece South korea beat greeece by 2 goals to nil
Jung Soo Lee number 14 jersey scored first goal at 7 th minute of the game
Ji Sung Park number 7 jersey scored second goal at 52nd minute of the game
and Yellow card issued to Greece's Vasileios Torosidis with his jersey number 15 on the 56th minute of the game
this game played at Johannesburg and group-b match
South Korea - Greece
1 : 0 HT
2 : 0 FT
worldcup 2010 live scores viewing website - Foot Ball
worldcup 2010 live scores viewing website - Foot Ball
Click here to watch live scores of worldcup 2010 foot ball
Click here to watch live scores of worldcup 2010 foot ball
Thursday, June 3, 2010
internet shortcuts ->(browser addressbar shortcuts)
website name in browser address bar and ctrl+enter will display
website name in browser address bar and shift+enter will display
website name in browser address bar and ctrl+shift+enter will display
website name in browser address bar and shift+enter will display
website name in browser address bar and ctrl+shift+enter will display
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
101 Reasons - To Switch to Mac -34 to 68
34. Built-in WiFi and Bluetooth
Before I switched, the surface of my desk was being taken over by creeping, high-tech kudzu. Power cables, USB cables, monitor cables, network cables, and keyboard and mouse cords threatened to gobble up every spare inch of desktop space.
In contrast, my Mac has high-speed 802.11g wireless networking built right in, so I can transfer files and surf the Net without a wired connection. With built-in Bluetooth technology, my keyboard and Mighty Mouse (and other devices, including digital cameras, printers, and even my cell phone) communicate with my Mac from up to 30 feet awaywirelessly.
The result? Less clutter, less distraction, and more flexibility than ever.
36. Vista 2.0 Today?
At the 2006 Apple World Wide Developer's Conference, banners promoting Leopard, the newest version of Mac OS X, proclaimed, "Introducing Vista 2.0." Not bad, considering how long it's taken Microsoft to develop Vista 1.0!
With eerie consistency, Windows "innovations"cool graphical effects (drop shadows, transparency, a sense of depth), Desktop Gadgets (small information applications oddly similar to Mac's Dashboard widgets), and the capability to quickly jump between apps and the desktopseem to imitate features already in Mac OS X. Want access to Vista 2.0's best features today? Switch to a Mac.
37. Unix Under the Hood
Purring away beneath the shiny hood of both Tiger (Mac OS X 10.4) and Leopard (Mac OS X 10.5) is a stable, powerful engine: Unix. Power users know that Unix provides more efficient handling of programming code and improved stability when running several tasks at once.
For the rest of us, having Unix under the hood means Mac OS X boots up faster and runs more smoothly. Applications rarely crash; when they do, they're less likely to disrupt other programs. And robust processor and memory management means that we can work simultaneously in iPhoto, iTunes, and iDVD without slowing our computers to a crawl.
38. The Mac OS X GUI
The graphical user interface (GUI) governs the look and behavior of windows, menus, controls, buttons, cursors, icons, dialog boxes, and scroll bars. Though responsible for visual appeal, the GUI is more than just eye candyit dictates how using the computer "feels."
For example: in the Windows GUI, dialog boxes pop up in floating windows. This can be startlingand frustrating, because important information can get lost under other windows. But on Macs, dialog boxes slide gently down from a program's title bar, keeping notifications in context.
Small differences like these combine to make the Mac OS X GUI a more pleasant environment for getting things done.
39. The Dock
In Mac OS X, the Dock (as shown in Figure 14) is a strip of icons that floats along (or, depending on your preferences, pops up from) the left, right, or lower edge of the screen.
Figure 14. The Dock provides quick access to the files and applications you use most.
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Unlike the PC's taskbar, the Dock features large icons that make it easier to identify open documents and applications. The Dock holds shortcuts to often-used apps, and files dropped onto Dock icons open in their associated programs.
Leopard expands the Dock's functionality, adding spring-loaded folders that expand to reveal their contents and instant access to apps and documents located on multiple desktops.
After you switch, you'll depend on the Dock for fast, easy access to the files you use most.
40. Exposé
Exposé, built into Mac OS X, makes managing multiple application and document windows a snap. Want to see all your open programs at once? Pressing F9 dims the desktop and scales open windows into live thumbnails. Working on multiple documents in one program? Press F10 to make tiled thumbnails of them all.
To bring any exposed window forward, click it. Need something from the desktop? Press F11 to slide all open windows aside.
Mac OS X's stability lets you use more applications simultaneously; Exposé lets you navigate them with ease.
41. Spotlight
If you're a PC user, you're probably familiar with Google Desktop Search, a utility that indexes files for rapid keyword-based searches. Spotlight, built right in to Mac OS X, provides similar functionality for Mac users.
With the advent of Leopard, though, Spotlight kicks desktop search up a notch. The new Spotlight supports Boolean operators (AND, OR, and NOT), allows speedy searches of other networked Macs, and adds Quick Looka live preview of a document, photo, song, or video summoned whenever your mouse hovers over a search result.
Want to find what you're looking for with speed and style? Switch to a Mac.
42. Dashboard
The OS X Dashboard (see Figure 15), summoned with a keystroke or a click of the mouse, is a dedicated space for hosting widgetstiny applications that speed repetitive tasks or pull information from the Web. With Dashboard widgets, my calculator, the weather, sports scores, headlines, and other services are never more than a click away.
Figure 15. The Dashboard is a dedicated space for hosting informative microapplications called "widgets."
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In Leopard, the Dashboard allows you to highlight a piece of any web page and transform it into your personal, automatically updated widget. And thanks to Dashboard syncing, changes made to one widget on one of your Macs can be automatically reflected on the others.
Want more out of widgets? Make the switch.
43. Spaces
Even the largest monitors can be overwhelmed with open windows.
New in Leopard, Spaces solves this problem by allowing the user to define multiple desktops. You might have one desktop for browsing and research, one for photo editing, and one for working with music and movies, with appropriate icons placed on each.
Spaces makes it easy to see all your desktops, to navigate among them by tabbing or clicking, and to drag and drop files from one desktop to another.
Applications open in any of your Spaces are also represented on the Dock; just click the icon, and you'll be transported to the related desktop automatically.
44. Time Machine
Time Machine, a new backup utility in Leopard, encourages good backup habits by making backup and restoration automaticand fun!
Using a dedicated external or network-mounted drive for storage, Time Machine creates a backup of your entire hard disk; any changes made after that point are recorded incrementally.
Using a video gamestyle interface (shown in Figure 16), you "scroll backward" into the past, before files were corrupted, deleted, edited, or lost. From there, you can restore individual files or reverse the clock completely, resetting your Mac to a saved state as far back in time as storage and settings allow.
Figure 16. With its simple but dramatic interface, Time Machine makes backing up and restoring your computer as entertaining as it can be.
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45. Alex
Computers have had voices for years, but none has ever spoken with the clarity of, say, HAL 9000 in 2001: A Space Odyssey. But Alexa synthesized voice built into Leopardis changing science fiction into reality.
Unlike PC voices that tend to mispronounce words or emphasize odd syllables, Alex sounds like a human being. (Listen carefully; he even breathes between phrases!)
Alex can read from any application that supports text-to-speech. Although primarily designed to make Mac OS X more accessible to visually impaired users, Alex's voice is so clear and calming, you may opt to have him read your email to you, even if you do have 20/20 vision.
46. Automator
Resizing and renaming photos. Copying unread mail to my iPod. Boring, repetitive tasks like these used to drive me crazy. Since switching to a Mac, I turn them over to Automator.
Using a point-and-click interface, I define a series of actions (selecting files, resizing them in Photoshop, and renaming them, for example) and save it as a workflow. Workflows can be launched immediately, saved for future use, or loaded into the Control-click (or right-click) contextual menu for quick access anytimeall on-the-fly, without a scrap of programming language.
47. Smart Folders
Back in my PC days, I adored highly structured filing systems: nested folders, precise titles, strict rules. Without that kind of organization, finding files on a PC could be a real challenge.
Since switching, I use Smart Folders. They're easy to create. Within Finder (the Mac's file management system), I just click File, New Smart Folder. Then, instead of moving files around, I fill out a point-and-click form defining criteria for the Smart Folder's contents, selecting, for example, all Microsoft Word files opened within the last two weeks containing the word "switch."
Without moving the actual files, Smart Folders help me keep tabs on the documents that matterwithout making me a slave to a Byzantine filing system.
48. Auctions
With iSale (from, $39.95), I can use a point-and-click interface to enter eBay auction details in less than a minute. iSale pours this info into ready-made designer templates, giving my auction listing an attention-getting look. After dragging and dropping photos into placeholders, I just click Submit.
iSale depicts active auctions as Polaroid photos tacked to a cork board, as shown in Figure 17. As bidding progresses, "price stickers" on each one update automatically. Unsold items can be relisted with a click, and previously defined auctions can be saved and reused for future listings.
Figure 17. iSale's point-and-click interface, attention-getting templates, and bidding updates make managing online auctions a breeze.
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iSale is available exclusively for the Mac; if you want it, you'll have to switch.
49. Backup
Time Machine (built into Leopard) is the perfect "don't make me think" backup app. Some Mac users, however, may prefer a finer degree of control over exactly which files are backed up, how often, and when.
Apple's .Mac service provides Backup, a utility that syncs the files you specify with the storage space on your .Mac account. Want more flexibility? Martin Jahn's free iBackup utility ( creates scheduled backups of the files you select (including system preferences) to a location you specify. And SyncupX (, $20.00) uses Smart Folders to collect the files it saves to an external or networked drive.
50. Blogging
Got a blog? Some of the most innovative offline blogging software available has been created exclusively for Mac users.
MacJournal (, $34.95) organizes and encrypts private journal entriesand offers one-click publishing of public entries (including photos) to the server you specify. Ecto (, $17.95) interfaces with popular hosted and do-it-yourself blogging platforms and makes backing up, searching, and inserting media into your posts a snap.
Mars Edit (, $24.95) integrates with the popular newsreader, NetNewsWire, making it easier than ever to share links to sites you think are fun or informative. (And if you own NetNewsWire, Mars Edit is free!)
51. Charting
Microsoft Visio is the de facto standard for charting on PCsso much so, most people don't realize the Mac supports an alternative many designers feel is far superior.
OmniGraffle (, $79.00 standard, $149.00 pro) creates flow charts, decision trees, floor plans, posters, brochures, and vector-based art with drag-and-drop ease. Intelligent links maintain connections between related objects, even when drawings are rearranged or reorganized, and powerful inspectors apply color schemes, graphical effects, and visual styles with a single click.
Even the pro version costs less than Visiobut if you like it, you'll have to switch; OmniGraffle is exclusively available for the Mac.
52. Chatting
Love to chat? Apple's iChat connects you in real-time with up to three other people, and Leopard's new video backdrop feature lets you insert any photo or video as a background. If you've got a case of morning face, you can switch to text-only mode, monitoring multiple sessions in one window and jumping from buddy to buddy by clicking a tab.
Got friends on AOL, MSN, Jabber, IRC, and Yahoo? Check out Adium (; free, donations accepted, shown in Figure 18). The application's cute icon always prompts a grin, and its silly sound effects library makes even dull chats more entertaining. Simple, powerfuland only for the Mac.
Figure 18. Adium connects you with chat buddies on several of the most popular systems, including AOL, MSN, IRC, and Yahoo.
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53. Creative Writing
Writers: Microsoft Word is not your only option.
Since switching, I love Nisus Writer Express (, $69.00). Its full-screen mode squashes distractions, letting me concentrate on my writing. Text styles, a real-time thesaurus, and other tools reside in a convenient drawer that pops out on demanda feature that makes Word's nested menus, drop-down lists, and floating palettes seem crude by comparison (see Figure 19).
Figure 19. Nisus Writer Express provides a distraction-free full-screen mode and a conveniently organized collection of writing tools.
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MacJournal (, $39.95) provides a secure, encrypted space for private thoughts, and Montage (also from Mariner, $139.95) is the only screenwriting software designed exclusively for Mac OS X.
Finally, Jer's Novel Writer (, free) stores a novel outline, a character and setting database, and random notes in a quick-access drawerbut the marginal notes (for capturing reminders and insights and linking them directly to related text) are my favorite innovation.
54. Customize Your Computer
The Mac OS X environment looks so slick, you may not want to change a thing. If you crave customization, though, there are several applications designed to make every aspect of your Mac reflect your personality.
With one right-click or Control-click, any iPhoto picture becomes a desktop. Want more pizzazz than a still photo? Visage (, $9.95) turns any screensaver, including animated ones, into a desktop background.
Don't stop there! CandyBar (, $12.95, as shown in Figure 20) is a powerful icon management system allowing you to substitute holiday, movie, and mood-themed icon sets for every application and system icon on your Mac. Feel free to experiment; a handy reset button eliminates risk, restoring everything to factory defaults with just one click.
Figure 20. CandyBar customizes your Mac's icons, allowing you to choose from sets based on holidays, movies and TV shows, themes, and moods.
55. Databases
In the Mac universe, FileMaker Pro (, $299.00) dominates the database landscape. Why? First, whereas Access is available for PCs only, FileMaker is available both for Macs and PCs. For workgroups using both operating systems, FileMaker supports seamless, cross-platform data exchange.
If your database needs to incorporate web data or interactivity, FileMaker's exclusive Web Viewer pulls dynamic web content directly into your database; in addition, the ability to post databases to the web is built right in.
56. Desktop Publishing
Professional desktop publishing and page layout toolsincluding Adobe InDesign or QuarkXPresstend to be available for both the PC and the Mac. When you switch, you'll still be able to read and write these files.
Interested in consumer-level desktop publishing tools other than Microsoft Publisher? Pages (, part of the iWork suite) provides easily customized templates for newsletters, posters, and stationery. Swift Publisher (, $34.95, as seen in Figure 21) includes a huge template library and incorporates a drag-and-drop layout process anyone can use within minutes. With either program, absolute beginners can produce dramatic, professionally designed documents in minutes.
Figure 21. Swift Publisher's friendly interface and huge template library help absolute beginners quickly produce professional results.
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57. Digital Photography
Professional photographers appreciate the fine-grained postproduction control offered by Apple's Aperture (, $299, exclusively for the Mac), which offers direct editing of native RAW formats, advanced project management tools, and nondestructive editing that protects the integrity of the original image.
Weekend shutterbugs love how Apple's iPhoto (included in the iLife suite and installed on every new Mac) automatically imports, organizes, enhances, and edits digital pictures; you can also create pro slideshows and order customized hardback books with a few clicks of the mouse. Need touchup brushes and cloning? If you've ever used Adobe Photoshop (, $649) or Photoshop Elements ($80.00) on a PC, you'll love how much more stable these applications are on a Mac.
58. Education
Thanks to their ease of use, Macs continue to be popular with educators and students alike. (Apple also offers sweet educational discounts.)
Schoolhouse (; free, donations accepted) tracks course schedules, assignments, and grades in the simple, iTunes-like interface you see in Figure 22. Friends who slept in can play catch-up by subscribing to your "classcast" of assignments. Schoolhouse is available only for the Mac.
Figure 22. Schoolhouse, exclusively for the Mac, helps students track schedules, monitor grades, and share assignments via its unique "classcast" feature.
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iStudy Flashcards (, $16.99) creates customized virtual flash card decks (with subject-specific decks available for download). The program tracks performance and exports quizzes to your iPod. And Yojimbo (, $39.00) captures notes, media, and more using a simple organizational scheme that makes Microsoft OneNote look positively clunky.
59. Email
If you're used to managing email in Outlook or Outlook Express, Apple Mail's uncluttered screens feel like a breath of fresh air. I use Mail (built into Mac OS X) to pull messages from multiple POP3 accounts without a hitch. With Leopard, Mail includes templates for every occasiondrop in your own photos, write a message, and click Send.
Microsoft Office power users will love Microsoft Entourage ($499, as part of Microsoft Office for the Mac). Made for the Mac, it integrates email with calendars, to-do lists, and a robust project manager.
60. File Management
PC users will feel right at home in Mac OS X's Finder (shown in Figure 23), which organizes files and applications in nested folders (much like Windows Explorer). Finder, however, offers a column-based view (in contrast to the "one window at a time" approach taken on the PC) that makes for faster, easier, and more visual navigation of files.
Figure 23. Finder's column-based view provides for faster, easier, and more intuitive navigation of the files on your Mac.
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Power users may prefer Path Finder (, $34.95), an alternative Finder with enhanced capabilitiessuch as the ability to undo a file operation (move, copy, or delete) with a single keystroke, browse files using a convenient tabbed interface, or collect files from several folders into one convenient "stack" for future use.
61. Finances
Microsoft's Money has never proven to be as popular as Quicken, which continues to be available for both the Mac and the PC. If you're a Quicken user, account information will make the jump to the Mac without a hitch.
If you're not invested in Quicken (no pun intended), you may want to give iBank (, $39.99) a try. iBank organizes account information, expenses, bank balances, and credit card data in a clear, "everything at a glance" layout. Smart Charts and Home Budget features generate detailed reports and live graphs that will help you visualize where every penny goes.
62. FTP
FTP (file transfer protocol) software enables file management over the Internet. Mac-based FTP utilities have all the power of their PC counterpartsbut deliver that functionality with greater ease of use and a generous helping of style.
Fetch (, $25.00) duplicates the look and feel of the Finder file manager and makes local and remote file management as intuitive as possible. Intimidated by technobabble? You'll love Fetch's plain-English controls (think big buttons labeled Get and Put).
Transmit (, $29.95, as shown in Figure 24) supports remote file editing in any application, transmits files dragged to the Dock, and transfers files directly from one remote server to the other.
Figure 24. Transmit organizes files using a simple "your stuff, their stuff" scheme, making FTP more straightforward than ever.
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63. Games
Although some PowerPC-based Macs did struggle to keep up with the action, the "Macs don't do games" era has officially ended. The 24-inch iMac comes standard with the NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GT graphics card, with the 7600 GT as an optional upgradeso graphically intensive games (like Quake 4 and Doom 3) deliver smooth, realistic action at high frame rates.
Many game publishers still release hot new titles for PCs only. But with your Mac's ability to boot as a Windows PC (via Boot Camp) or run PC software (using Parallels Desktop), that's no longer an issue, now is it?
64. Getting Things Done (GTD)
For busy people looking to manage multiple projects and crammed in-boxes, David Allen's Getting Things Done is the bible of personal productivity.
The GTD philosophy lies at the heart of Kinkless GTD (, free), which transforms OmniOutliner Pro (, $69.95) into a lean, mean GTD machine for tracking tasks, identifying next actions, and adding context to your to-do lists.
Midnight Inbox (, as seen in Figure 25) is a complete, Mac-based GTD software solution. Its Mail-style Inbox collects incoming info and organizes it into contexts and projects.
Figure 25. Midnight Inbox is one of the very first applications designed for GTD from the ground up. It's available exclusively on the Mac.
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Serious about getting things done? Make the switchbecause both of these programs are available only on the Mac.
65. Hobbies
Got a hobby? Chances are, a fellow hobbyist has (often single-handedly) created software to help you pursue your passion on a Mac. Examples include:
• Delicious Library Drawing rave reviews for its visual, "it's on the shelf" method for organizing your software, books, games, and videos, Delicious Library (, $40.00, seen in Figure 26) tracks who borrowed what and when. As you scan ISBN barcodes with your iSight camera, Delicious Library populates each database entry with product info.
Figure 26. Delicious Library organizes your media on virtual shelves, snags product info from, and keeps track of who borrowed what.
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• Reunion Reunion (, $99.00) brings family trees to life, producing graphical tree charts, ancestral profiles (complete with photos, sound bytes, and videos), and book-worthy reports in a variety of formats. It's the most media-rich personal genealogy package I've seen.
• Meditation Timer Designed to help you manage meditation without watching the clock, Meditation Timer (; free, donations appreciated) plays gentle chimes at intervals you specify. You can even export sessions to iTunes, and then burn custom meditation CDs!
• 66. iPod Enhancements
• iTunes (, free) organizes music, videos, and podcasts; it fetches album art automatically and shuttles files to your iPodbut for Mac users, that's just the beginning. With Podworks, (, $8.00) you can back up your valuable song collection by dragging and dropping tracks from an iPod to a Mac.
• Don't like one huge library for all your media files? Manage multiple libraries within iTunes with MultiTunes (, $15.99).
• iPresentIt ( turns your video-enabled iPod into a presentation powerhouse. Only the Mac version supports exports of Keynote presentations to iPhoto slideshows and preserves those fancy "builds" that reveal the bullet points on your slide one-by-one.
• In the mood for a movie? Send any video to the iPod with VisualHub (, $23.32), a universal video converter you can use even if you don't know a codec from a frame rate.
67. Launchers
Launchers open any program or file in a heartbeat. Edit, move, copy, email, or transfer files with a keystroke, access URLs without launching a browser first, and much more. After you start using launchers on your Mac, you'll wonder how you ever lived without them.
Quicksilver (, free) completes hundreds of common tasks in dozens of applications with three or four keystrokes. An extensive plug-in library also enables Quicksilver to manipulate, mail, and even edit files on-the-fly. Once invoked, LaunchBar (, $20.00) displays a context-sensitive drop-down list of possible actions in your Mac's menu bar, giving you single-click access to common tasks and frequently used programs. Butler (from, $18.00) provides mouse-accessible pop-up menus and screen hotspots that trigger program actions.
68. Making Slideshows and Movies
iPhoto and iMovieHD (supplied with Mac OS X) make short work of editing home movies and creating cinematic slide shows. Ready for more power and control? Your Mac gives you some great options.
Slideshow app FotoMagico (, $79.99, shown in Figure 27) offers total control over image resolution, panning, cropping, and transitionsand creates HD slideshows that export to DVD.
Figure 27. FotoMagico offers powerful tools for controlling every aspect of your slideshow and can export high-def versions to DVD.
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Spielbergs-in-training will want Final Cut Express HD (, $299). The tools in this prosumer package aren't for the faint of heart, but they allow for drag-and-drop clip editing, composite images, real-time rendering of effects and transitions, and blending of up to 99 audio tracks.
Before I switched, the surface of my desk was being taken over by creeping, high-tech kudzu. Power cables, USB cables, monitor cables, network cables, and keyboard and mouse cords threatened to gobble up every spare inch of desktop space.
In contrast, my Mac has high-speed 802.11g wireless networking built right in, so I can transfer files and surf the Net without a wired connection. With built-in Bluetooth technology, my keyboard and Mighty Mouse (and other devices, including digital cameras, printers, and even my cell phone) communicate with my Mac from up to 30 feet awaywirelessly.
The result? Less clutter, less distraction, and more flexibility than ever.
36. Vista 2.0 Today?
At the 2006 Apple World Wide Developer's Conference, banners promoting Leopard, the newest version of Mac OS X, proclaimed, "Introducing Vista 2.0." Not bad, considering how long it's taken Microsoft to develop Vista 1.0!
With eerie consistency, Windows "innovations"cool graphical effects (drop shadows, transparency, a sense of depth), Desktop Gadgets (small information applications oddly similar to Mac's Dashboard widgets), and the capability to quickly jump between apps and the desktopseem to imitate features already in Mac OS X. Want access to Vista 2.0's best features today? Switch to a Mac.
37. Unix Under the Hood
Purring away beneath the shiny hood of both Tiger (Mac OS X 10.4) and Leopard (Mac OS X 10.5) is a stable, powerful engine: Unix. Power users know that Unix provides more efficient handling of programming code and improved stability when running several tasks at once.
For the rest of us, having Unix under the hood means Mac OS X boots up faster and runs more smoothly. Applications rarely crash; when they do, they're less likely to disrupt other programs. And robust processor and memory management means that we can work simultaneously in iPhoto, iTunes, and iDVD without slowing our computers to a crawl.
38. The Mac OS X GUI
The graphical user interface (GUI) governs the look and behavior of windows, menus, controls, buttons, cursors, icons, dialog boxes, and scroll bars. Though responsible for visual appeal, the GUI is more than just eye candyit dictates how using the computer "feels."
For example: in the Windows GUI, dialog boxes pop up in floating windows. This can be startlingand frustrating, because important information can get lost under other windows. But on Macs, dialog boxes slide gently down from a program's title bar, keeping notifications in context.
Small differences like these combine to make the Mac OS X GUI a more pleasant environment for getting things done.
39. The Dock
In Mac OS X, the Dock (as shown in Figure 14) is a strip of icons that floats along (or, depending on your preferences, pops up from) the left, right, or lower edge of the screen.
Figure 14. The Dock provides quick access to the files and applications you use most.
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Unlike the PC's taskbar, the Dock features large icons that make it easier to identify open documents and applications. The Dock holds shortcuts to often-used apps, and files dropped onto Dock icons open in their associated programs.
Leopard expands the Dock's functionality, adding spring-loaded folders that expand to reveal their contents and instant access to apps and documents located on multiple desktops.
After you switch, you'll depend on the Dock for fast, easy access to the files you use most.
40. Exposé
Exposé, built into Mac OS X, makes managing multiple application and document windows a snap. Want to see all your open programs at once? Pressing F9 dims the desktop and scales open windows into live thumbnails. Working on multiple documents in one program? Press F10 to make tiled thumbnails of them all.
To bring any exposed window forward, click it. Need something from the desktop? Press F11 to slide all open windows aside.
Mac OS X's stability lets you use more applications simultaneously; Exposé lets you navigate them with ease.
41. Spotlight
If you're a PC user, you're probably familiar with Google Desktop Search, a utility that indexes files for rapid keyword-based searches. Spotlight, built right in to Mac OS X, provides similar functionality for Mac users.
With the advent of Leopard, though, Spotlight kicks desktop search up a notch. The new Spotlight supports Boolean operators (AND, OR, and NOT), allows speedy searches of other networked Macs, and adds Quick Looka live preview of a document, photo, song, or video summoned whenever your mouse hovers over a search result.
Want to find what you're looking for with speed and style? Switch to a Mac.
42. Dashboard
The OS X Dashboard (see Figure 15), summoned with a keystroke or a click of the mouse, is a dedicated space for hosting widgetstiny applications that speed repetitive tasks or pull information from the Web. With Dashboard widgets, my calculator, the weather, sports scores, headlines, and other services are never more than a click away.
Figure 15. The Dashboard is a dedicated space for hosting informative microapplications called "widgets."
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In Leopard, the Dashboard allows you to highlight a piece of any web page and transform it into your personal, automatically updated widget. And thanks to Dashboard syncing, changes made to one widget on one of your Macs can be automatically reflected on the others.
Want more out of widgets? Make the switch.
43. Spaces
Even the largest monitors can be overwhelmed with open windows.
New in Leopard, Spaces solves this problem by allowing the user to define multiple desktops. You might have one desktop for browsing and research, one for photo editing, and one for working with music and movies, with appropriate icons placed on each.
Spaces makes it easy to see all your desktops, to navigate among them by tabbing or clicking, and to drag and drop files from one desktop to another.
Applications open in any of your Spaces are also represented on the Dock; just click the icon, and you'll be transported to the related desktop automatically.
44. Time Machine
Time Machine, a new backup utility in Leopard, encourages good backup habits by making backup and restoration automaticand fun!
Using a dedicated external or network-mounted drive for storage, Time Machine creates a backup of your entire hard disk; any changes made after that point are recorded incrementally.
Using a video gamestyle interface (shown in Figure 16), you "scroll backward" into the past, before files were corrupted, deleted, edited, or lost. From there, you can restore individual files or reverse the clock completely, resetting your Mac to a saved state as far back in time as storage and settings allow.
Figure 16. With its simple but dramatic interface, Time Machine makes backing up and restoring your computer as entertaining as it can be.
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45. Alex
Computers have had voices for years, but none has ever spoken with the clarity of, say, HAL 9000 in 2001: A Space Odyssey. But Alexa synthesized voice built into Leopardis changing science fiction into reality.
Unlike PC voices that tend to mispronounce words or emphasize odd syllables, Alex sounds like a human being. (Listen carefully; he even breathes between phrases!)
Alex can read from any application that supports text-to-speech. Although primarily designed to make Mac OS X more accessible to visually impaired users, Alex's voice is so clear and calming, you may opt to have him read your email to you, even if you do have 20/20 vision.
46. Automator
Resizing and renaming photos. Copying unread mail to my iPod. Boring, repetitive tasks like these used to drive me crazy. Since switching to a Mac, I turn them over to Automator.
Using a point-and-click interface, I define a series of actions (selecting files, resizing them in Photoshop, and renaming them, for example) and save it as a workflow. Workflows can be launched immediately, saved for future use, or loaded into the Control-click (or right-click) contextual menu for quick access anytimeall on-the-fly, without a scrap of programming language.
47. Smart Folders
Back in my PC days, I adored highly structured filing systems: nested folders, precise titles, strict rules. Without that kind of organization, finding files on a PC could be a real challenge.
Since switching, I use Smart Folders. They're easy to create. Within Finder (the Mac's file management system), I just click File, New Smart Folder. Then, instead of moving files around, I fill out a point-and-click form defining criteria for the Smart Folder's contents, selecting, for example, all Microsoft Word files opened within the last two weeks containing the word "switch."
Without moving the actual files, Smart Folders help me keep tabs on the documents that matterwithout making me a slave to a Byzantine filing system.
48. Auctions
With iSale (from, $39.95), I can use a point-and-click interface to enter eBay auction details in less than a minute. iSale pours this info into ready-made designer templates, giving my auction listing an attention-getting look. After dragging and dropping photos into placeholders, I just click Submit.
iSale depicts active auctions as Polaroid photos tacked to a cork board, as shown in Figure 17. As bidding progresses, "price stickers" on each one update automatically. Unsold items can be relisted with a click, and previously defined auctions can be saved and reused for future listings.
Figure 17. iSale's point-and-click interface, attention-getting templates, and bidding updates make managing online auctions a breeze.
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iSale is available exclusively for the Mac; if you want it, you'll have to switch.
49. Backup
Time Machine (built into Leopard) is the perfect "don't make me think" backup app. Some Mac users, however, may prefer a finer degree of control over exactly which files are backed up, how often, and when.
Apple's .Mac service provides Backup, a utility that syncs the files you specify with the storage space on your .Mac account. Want more flexibility? Martin Jahn's free iBackup utility ( creates scheduled backups of the files you select (including system preferences) to a location you specify. And SyncupX (, $20.00) uses Smart Folders to collect the files it saves to an external or networked drive.
50. Blogging
Got a blog? Some of the most innovative offline blogging software available has been created exclusively for Mac users.
MacJournal (, $34.95) organizes and encrypts private journal entriesand offers one-click publishing of public entries (including photos) to the server you specify. Ecto (, $17.95) interfaces with popular hosted and do-it-yourself blogging platforms and makes backing up, searching, and inserting media into your posts a snap.
Mars Edit (, $24.95) integrates with the popular newsreader, NetNewsWire, making it easier than ever to share links to sites you think are fun or informative. (And if you own NetNewsWire, Mars Edit is free!)
51. Charting
Microsoft Visio is the de facto standard for charting on PCsso much so, most people don't realize the Mac supports an alternative many designers feel is far superior.
OmniGraffle (, $79.00 standard, $149.00 pro) creates flow charts, decision trees, floor plans, posters, brochures, and vector-based art with drag-and-drop ease. Intelligent links maintain connections between related objects, even when drawings are rearranged or reorganized, and powerful inspectors apply color schemes, graphical effects, and visual styles with a single click.
Even the pro version costs less than Visiobut if you like it, you'll have to switch; OmniGraffle is exclusively available for the Mac.
52. Chatting
Love to chat? Apple's iChat connects you in real-time with up to three other people, and Leopard's new video backdrop feature lets you insert any photo or video as a background. If you've got a case of morning face, you can switch to text-only mode, monitoring multiple sessions in one window and jumping from buddy to buddy by clicking a tab.
Got friends on AOL, MSN, Jabber, IRC, and Yahoo? Check out Adium (; free, donations accepted, shown in Figure 18). The application's cute icon always prompts a grin, and its silly sound effects library makes even dull chats more entertaining. Simple, powerfuland only for the Mac.
Figure 18. Adium connects you with chat buddies on several of the most popular systems, including AOL, MSN, IRC, and Yahoo.
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53. Creative Writing
Writers: Microsoft Word is not your only option.
Since switching, I love Nisus Writer Express (, $69.00). Its full-screen mode squashes distractions, letting me concentrate on my writing. Text styles, a real-time thesaurus, and other tools reside in a convenient drawer that pops out on demanda feature that makes Word's nested menus, drop-down lists, and floating palettes seem crude by comparison (see Figure 19).
Figure 19. Nisus Writer Express provides a distraction-free full-screen mode and a conveniently organized collection of writing tools.
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MacJournal (, $39.95) provides a secure, encrypted space for private thoughts, and Montage (also from Mariner, $139.95) is the only screenwriting software designed exclusively for Mac OS X.
Finally, Jer's Novel Writer (, free) stores a novel outline, a character and setting database, and random notes in a quick-access drawerbut the marginal notes (for capturing reminders and insights and linking them directly to related text) are my favorite innovation.
54. Customize Your Computer
The Mac OS X environment looks so slick, you may not want to change a thing. If you crave customization, though, there are several applications designed to make every aspect of your Mac reflect your personality.
With one right-click or Control-click, any iPhoto picture becomes a desktop. Want more pizzazz than a still photo? Visage (, $9.95) turns any screensaver, including animated ones, into a desktop background.
Don't stop there! CandyBar (, $12.95, as shown in Figure 20) is a powerful icon management system allowing you to substitute holiday, movie, and mood-themed icon sets for every application and system icon on your Mac. Feel free to experiment; a handy reset button eliminates risk, restoring everything to factory defaults with just one click.
Figure 20. CandyBar customizes your Mac's icons, allowing you to choose from sets based on holidays, movies and TV shows, themes, and moods.
55. Databases
In the Mac universe, FileMaker Pro (, $299.00) dominates the database landscape. Why? First, whereas Access is available for PCs only, FileMaker is available both for Macs and PCs. For workgroups using both operating systems, FileMaker supports seamless, cross-platform data exchange.
If your database needs to incorporate web data or interactivity, FileMaker's exclusive Web Viewer pulls dynamic web content directly into your database; in addition, the ability to post databases to the web is built right in.
56. Desktop Publishing
Professional desktop publishing and page layout toolsincluding Adobe InDesign or QuarkXPresstend to be available for both the PC and the Mac. When you switch, you'll still be able to read and write these files.
Interested in consumer-level desktop publishing tools other than Microsoft Publisher? Pages (, part of the iWork suite) provides easily customized templates for newsletters, posters, and stationery. Swift Publisher (, $34.95, as seen in Figure 21) includes a huge template library and incorporates a drag-and-drop layout process anyone can use within minutes. With either program, absolute beginners can produce dramatic, professionally designed documents in minutes.
Figure 21. Swift Publisher's friendly interface and huge template library help absolute beginners quickly produce professional results.
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57. Digital Photography
Professional photographers appreciate the fine-grained postproduction control offered by Apple's Aperture (, $299, exclusively for the Mac), which offers direct editing of native RAW formats, advanced project management tools, and nondestructive editing that protects the integrity of the original image.
Weekend shutterbugs love how Apple's iPhoto (included in the iLife suite and installed on every new Mac) automatically imports, organizes, enhances, and edits digital pictures; you can also create pro slideshows and order customized hardback books with a few clicks of the mouse. Need touchup brushes and cloning? If you've ever used Adobe Photoshop (, $649) or Photoshop Elements ($80.00) on a PC, you'll love how much more stable these applications are on a Mac.
58. Education
Thanks to their ease of use, Macs continue to be popular with educators and students alike. (Apple also offers sweet educational discounts.)
Schoolhouse (; free, donations accepted) tracks course schedules, assignments, and grades in the simple, iTunes-like interface you see in Figure 22. Friends who slept in can play catch-up by subscribing to your "classcast" of assignments. Schoolhouse is available only for the Mac.
Figure 22. Schoolhouse, exclusively for the Mac, helps students track schedules, monitor grades, and share assignments via its unique "classcast" feature.
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iStudy Flashcards (, $16.99) creates customized virtual flash card decks (with subject-specific decks available for download). The program tracks performance and exports quizzes to your iPod. And Yojimbo (, $39.00) captures notes, media, and more using a simple organizational scheme that makes Microsoft OneNote look positively clunky.
59. Email
If you're used to managing email in Outlook or Outlook Express, Apple Mail's uncluttered screens feel like a breath of fresh air. I use Mail (built into Mac OS X) to pull messages from multiple POP3 accounts without a hitch. With Leopard, Mail includes templates for every occasiondrop in your own photos, write a message, and click Send.
Microsoft Office power users will love Microsoft Entourage ($499, as part of Microsoft Office for the Mac). Made for the Mac, it integrates email with calendars, to-do lists, and a robust project manager.
60. File Management
PC users will feel right at home in Mac OS X's Finder (shown in Figure 23), which organizes files and applications in nested folders (much like Windows Explorer). Finder, however, offers a column-based view (in contrast to the "one window at a time" approach taken on the PC) that makes for faster, easier, and more visual navigation of files.
Figure 23. Finder's column-based view provides for faster, easier, and more intuitive navigation of the files on your Mac.
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Power users may prefer Path Finder (, $34.95), an alternative Finder with enhanced capabilitiessuch as the ability to undo a file operation (move, copy, or delete) with a single keystroke, browse files using a convenient tabbed interface, or collect files from several folders into one convenient "stack" for future use.
61. Finances
Microsoft's Money has never proven to be as popular as Quicken, which continues to be available for both the Mac and the PC. If you're a Quicken user, account information will make the jump to the Mac without a hitch.
If you're not invested in Quicken (no pun intended), you may want to give iBank (, $39.99) a try. iBank organizes account information, expenses, bank balances, and credit card data in a clear, "everything at a glance" layout. Smart Charts and Home Budget features generate detailed reports and live graphs that will help you visualize where every penny goes.
62. FTP
FTP (file transfer protocol) software enables file management over the Internet. Mac-based FTP utilities have all the power of their PC counterpartsbut deliver that functionality with greater ease of use and a generous helping of style.
Fetch (, $25.00) duplicates the look and feel of the Finder file manager and makes local and remote file management as intuitive as possible. Intimidated by technobabble? You'll love Fetch's plain-English controls (think big buttons labeled Get and Put).
Transmit (, $29.95, as shown in Figure 24) supports remote file editing in any application, transmits files dragged to the Dock, and transfers files directly from one remote server to the other.
Figure 24. Transmit organizes files using a simple "your stuff, their stuff" scheme, making FTP more straightforward than ever.
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63. Games
Although some PowerPC-based Macs did struggle to keep up with the action, the "Macs don't do games" era has officially ended. The 24-inch iMac comes standard with the NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GT graphics card, with the 7600 GT as an optional upgradeso graphically intensive games (like Quake 4 and Doom 3) deliver smooth, realistic action at high frame rates.
Many game publishers still release hot new titles for PCs only. But with your Mac's ability to boot as a Windows PC (via Boot Camp) or run PC software (using Parallels Desktop), that's no longer an issue, now is it?
64. Getting Things Done (GTD)
For busy people looking to manage multiple projects and crammed in-boxes, David Allen's Getting Things Done is the bible of personal productivity.
The GTD philosophy lies at the heart of Kinkless GTD (, free), which transforms OmniOutliner Pro (, $69.95) into a lean, mean GTD machine for tracking tasks, identifying next actions, and adding context to your to-do lists.
Midnight Inbox (, as seen in Figure 25) is a complete, Mac-based GTD software solution. Its Mail-style Inbox collects incoming info and organizes it into contexts and projects.
Figure 25. Midnight Inbox is one of the very first applications designed for GTD from the ground up. It's available exclusively on the Mac.
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Serious about getting things done? Make the switchbecause both of these programs are available only on the Mac.
65. Hobbies
Got a hobby? Chances are, a fellow hobbyist has (often single-handedly) created software to help you pursue your passion on a Mac. Examples include:
• Delicious Library Drawing rave reviews for its visual, "it's on the shelf" method for organizing your software, books, games, and videos, Delicious Library (, $40.00, seen in Figure 26) tracks who borrowed what and when. As you scan ISBN barcodes with your iSight camera, Delicious Library populates each database entry with product info.
Figure 26. Delicious Library organizes your media on virtual shelves, snags product info from, and keeps track of who borrowed what.
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• Reunion Reunion (, $99.00) brings family trees to life, producing graphical tree charts, ancestral profiles (complete with photos, sound bytes, and videos), and book-worthy reports in a variety of formats. It's the most media-rich personal genealogy package I've seen.
• Meditation Timer Designed to help you manage meditation without watching the clock, Meditation Timer (; free, donations appreciated) plays gentle chimes at intervals you specify. You can even export sessions to iTunes, and then burn custom meditation CDs!
• 66. iPod Enhancements
• iTunes (, free) organizes music, videos, and podcasts; it fetches album art automatically and shuttles files to your iPodbut for Mac users, that's just the beginning. With Podworks, (, $8.00) you can back up your valuable song collection by dragging and dropping tracks from an iPod to a Mac.
• Don't like one huge library for all your media files? Manage multiple libraries within iTunes with MultiTunes (, $15.99).
• iPresentIt ( turns your video-enabled iPod into a presentation powerhouse. Only the Mac version supports exports of Keynote presentations to iPhoto slideshows and preserves those fancy "builds" that reveal the bullet points on your slide one-by-one.
• In the mood for a movie? Send any video to the iPod with VisualHub (, $23.32), a universal video converter you can use even if you don't know a codec from a frame rate.
67. Launchers
Launchers open any program or file in a heartbeat. Edit, move, copy, email, or transfer files with a keystroke, access URLs without launching a browser first, and much more. After you start using launchers on your Mac, you'll wonder how you ever lived without them.
Quicksilver (, free) completes hundreds of common tasks in dozens of applications with three or four keystrokes. An extensive plug-in library also enables Quicksilver to manipulate, mail, and even edit files on-the-fly. Once invoked, LaunchBar (, $20.00) displays a context-sensitive drop-down list of possible actions in your Mac's menu bar, giving you single-click access to common tasks and frequently used programs. Butler (from, $18.00) provides mouse-accessible pop-up menus and screen hotspots that trigger program actions.
68. Making Slideshows and Movies
iPhoto and iMovieHD (supplied with Mac OS X) make short work of editing home movies and creating cinematic slide shows. Ready for more power and control? Your Mac gives you some great options.
Slideshow app FotoMagico (, $79.99, shown in Figure 27) offers total control over image resolution, panning, cropping, and transitionsand creates HD slideshows that export to DVD.
Figure 27. FotoMagico offers powerful tools for controlling every aspect of your slideshow and can export high-def versions to DVD.
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Spielbergs-in-training will want Final Cut Express HD (, $299). The tools in this prosumer package aren't for the faint of heart, but they allow for drag-and-drop clip editing, composite images, real-time rendering of effects and transitions, and blending of up to 99 audio tracks.
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